Chapter 8: SAVE

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He was holding something.

A small, four-pointed star, hovering just above the palm of his left hand. It illuminated the non-existent landscape around him; nothing but darkness, penetrated only by the glowing white star.

A box appeared. On it was a message.

Tuesday is finally coming to an end. The power of changing your fate shines within you.

Then it changed. It displayed his name, his location, his LV, and how much time he had spent here since the first time he woke up on Tuesday, along with two options.

IZUKU                                                                                                                                                                    LV 0  56:23


❤️ SAVE                                                                                                                                                                   RETURN

He chose the option his SOUL - that's what that red heart was, wasn't it? - already hovered next to, and the box changed to simply read "Saved." Then the box disappeared altogether, and the light of the star grew and grew, until it washed out everything else. He squinted, trying to adjust to the excessive brightness.

Slowly, the world came into focus. The blinding light was not the star he had been holding moments ago, but the TV. He was laying on the couch, and someone was sitting on the ground in front of the couch, playing Mario Kart and muttering curses.

Suddenly, Izuku sat bolt upright, eyes wide as he addressed who he thought the boy on the ground was.


The blonde whipped his head around, blazing red eyes burning holes in the freckled teen's skull.

"The hell did you just call me?"

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