Chapter 12: Experiment

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Izuku's head whipped around to look at Shinso, who flinched.

"If I'm not back in ten minutes, call the police and tell them Izuku Midoriya has committed suicide."


"Just do it!" The freckled boy dropped his phone on the floor, where it landed unharmed - thanks, Samsung - as he rushed out of the small restuarant in search of something deadly. The only roads nearby were pedestrian roads, so no cars. As his eyes passed over a dollar store, an idea dawned on him.

Entering the store, he searched for craft supplies. Finding a craft aisle towards the back, he quickly found a pair of scissors. He ripped off the cardboard and plastic packaging, and gripped the scissors tightly with both hands.

Before he could lose his nerve, he plunged the scissors into his throat with as much force as he could. It was pain like he'd never felt before, overpowering all other sensation. But the job wasn't done. He pulled the scissors back out, deaf to the screams of other customers who happened across him. Dropping to his knees, he could just barely see blood spurting out of the wound with each beat of his heart. Everything faded, even the pain, and his world turned to black.


Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I can save her! 




Izuku jumped out of bed and onto his feet, grinning like a madman.

He could save his mother.

He could cheat death.

Not just for himself, but for anyone.

In that moment, there was not a single person on earth who loved video game death mechanics more than Izuku Midoriya.

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