Chapter 40: Recovery Girl

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While Uraraka was half-carrying Izuku the rest of the way to school, they ran into Shinso and Iida, who were walking silently. The brunette called out to them from a few yards behind, and Izuku flushed at the faces they made when they saw him.

"Woah, what happened to Mido?" Shinso asked.

"Some idiot almost ran him over, and we're pretty sure he sprained his ankle."

"Dude, why didn't you just call an ambulance?"

"Because Recovery Girl can fix it easy-peasy."


"The nurse," Iida informed Shinso. "Uraraka's right; she has a very powerful healing quirk. Would you like me to take him the rest of the way, Uraraka?"

"Nah, I got him. He's really light."

"I would assume so. He's hella short and, from what I've picked up, severely wimpy." 

"Hey! I can pack a punch if I need to."

"Sure you can, shorty."

"I'm not gonna argue with you about the short part, but trust me when I say that I am capable of stabbing a man."

"I do not believe you."

"I could literally kill you several times."

"That's literally not physically possible."

"How do you know? Quirks are getting weirder and weirder every day."

"You have a precognition quirk, Mido."

"Yes, that's what it's registered as."

"What are you implying?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all."


Izuku snickered, and Uraraka joined him, shortly followed by Shinso and Iida - his snickers were suppressed, but snickers none the less.

They laughed together for a bit, and soon they arrived at the school. Uraraka took Izuku to Recovery Girl's office, running off at top speed as soon as Izuku was seated on a cot because class started in less than a minute.

Recovery Girl was a pro hero, like the rest of the UA staff. She was very short, quite elderly, and kind, yet stern. She had a giant syringe that she used as a cane. He sat on the edge of one of the cots in her office. 

"So, what does a gen-ed student need so early in the day?" She asked.

"I twisted my ankle on the way here," He answered, grinning sheepishly.


"I was crossing at an intersection, and someone blew the red light. Uraraka shoved me out of the way, and I landed on it weird."

"Well, you don't really look like you're in pain, so it can't be too bad. Let me see."

She slipped off his shoe and sock, rolling up his pant leg to examine his ankle. It had gotten more swollen and discolored than it was when he first looked at it, and he had to stifle a yelp when she grabbed it, prodding at it and rolling it around.

"I'm assuming by the fact that Uraraka was pretty much carrying you that you can't put weight on it."


"Well, I can fix it, but my quirk drains the energy of whoever I use it on, so you'll have to stay here and rest for a bit. I'll give you a pass when you go back, alright?"


"Okay, hold still."

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