Shopaholic For A Wife

Start from the beginning

I didn't tell Harry about it and didn't feel a need to. He probably wouldn't know that the men were trying to flirt with me.

I spent the next two weeks texting boys and flirting with my husband. I was so done with the snow and couldn't wait to wear shorts again. Harry went on another trip and it occurred to me that I was reflecting all my affection for Harry on the boys from the office.

Harry was gone for a week this time to France. The entire other side of the world! And on the third day, I was crying and eating ice cream by myself in my bed. I threw my phone across the room.

"Stupid Boys! Stupid Josie!" I yelled at myself. "So, So, stupid!" I hit my head and pulled at my hair. Then I crawled out of bed and grabbed my phone. I climbed back in bed and deleted all the boys' numbers. "Ha-rry!" I sobbed. "Why do you have to be gone for so long!" Stupid pregnancy hormones. I don't care how he'll react, I'm gonna hug him when he gets back. I clicked on his name and called him.

"Hey, Josie, what's up?"

"I miss you, Harry." I already told him this yesterday and the night of the day he left. "Why do you have to be gone for a whole week?" I whined. He chuckled on the other end.

"Will you cheer up if I tell you I'll be home tomorrow?" I perked up in my bed.

"Really?" He chuckled again.

"I miss you too, Josie, and I don't want to spend another day here anyway."


"Will you be a good girl till then?"

"Yep! Yep! Hurry up and come home. Work extra hard!" He chuckled again. "Harry?"


"I like your laugh." Silence.

"I like you ... " Silence. "Get some rest, Josie. It's late in Seattle. Goodnight." Then he hung up. Did he just say ...

I went downstairs and put the ice cream back in the freezer. Then I went back upstairs, unable to find sleep.

I wandered into Harry's room and nonchalantly searched for things about him. Of course his room is messy. I picked up his shirts and pants and put them in the laundry basket. I walked past his walls of books but stopped and backtracked when I noticed his name on a few of them. Correction, his name was on exactly twelve of the books. He's an author!? He never told me that!

I grabbed one of the books and giggled at the picture on the back. His hair was longer in it and yet it still hadn't covered his giant ears.

Stocks and Shocks his book read. I shrugged and set it on the nightstand.

I made his bed and fluffed the pillows. Once I was done, I laid down on it and opened his book about stockholding. Before I finished chapter one, I was asleep from boredom.


I got home late. Like three in the morning. I made sure to be quiet as to not wake my wife. I told her I'd be home tomorrow and I kept to my promise. Of course she probably thought later tonight. She called me right before I was boarding the plane. Liza wouldn't stop rolling her eyes as I reminded her over and over again at how Josie wanted me home and how she was beginning to like me. I made sure to quickly hang up and not hear a rejection from my wife after I told her I liked her. But I hope she doesn't get mad when I tell her that I have to return to France tomorrow.

I walked past Josie's room but she wasn't in her bed. I placed my suitcases in my room and found her lying on my bed reading one of my books. Asleep, of course. I smiled at her childishness. I drew the covers back from under her and tucked her in. I turned out the light then went downstairs. I made myself some coffee and worked on paper work till I heard her running down the stairs.

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