Contest #7 (Closed - judging)

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Be one of Bluestar's kits when they were taken to see their father. (Mosskit, Mistykit, or Stonekit - any questions, feel free to ask)

-Must be about the topic.
-Keep it one part long.
-One entry per person.
-Only one cats point of view!
-Send it to me, then I'll put up the entry and you'll then find out if you've won after the other(s) have entered.
-Make sure to mention you're entering!

1st Place~
-Dedication to the next chapter in Warrior Cat Facts.
-Advertisement to one of your books.
-I'll interview and it'll be put up in here.
-I'll vote on every chapter in a book of your choice.

2nd Place~
-Advertisement to one of your books.
-I'll interview you.
-I'll vote a few chapters in a book of your choice.

3rd Place~
-I'll interview you.
-I'll vote for a few chapters in a book of your choice.
DEADLINE: January 2nd 2015 (with Christmas and New Years on it's way, you'll need time :) )

Entrees: ( - means they've sent in their entrees)
-@SissyCry1 -
-Coldfrost -
-TheBudderDragon -
-Brightstorm17 -
-@Wolfyfang -
-@MysteriousCurl -

Enjoy! P_A83 out :3

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