Contest Entree (#8): midnightskittles

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The storm was brewing overhead the sun nowhere to be seen. I looked up to dark grey clouds raining down on us. I heard thunder and could almost feel the buzzing of lightning as the storm went on. I heard Dovepaw talking to Lionblaze with a worried look on her face. "It's just wind."Lionblaze said. " No, no. There is something else, a sucking noise! Something is wrong, Lionblaze." Dovepaw said back. I watched as Dovepaw suddenly yowled. "What."Lionblaze asked. "A tree, it's going to fall! Anytime! The camp has to evacuate!" I watched as Lionblaze rushed to Firestar's den and yowled. "We have to evacuate, a tree is going to fall!" Firestar rushed out. " everyone evacuate a tree is going to fall!" I watched as they went from den to den checking to see if anyone was left behind. And I thought maybe I should help to. I went to gather the elders from their den. "Come on we have to go!" Briarpaw told the elders. "Why," said Mousefur. "If I leave my moss will get wet." "Well would you rather get crushed by a tree," Briarpaw asked. "Because you will if you stay here." "Oh fine," Mousefur said. "Young cats these days, think they know everything." As they ran out of the camp entrance Mousefur let out a yowl. "Foxdung, I forgot my mouse."She muttered and she turned to get ready to go get it. "Wait no, I'll go get it!" Longtail jumped in. "No, no it's my mouse." Mousefur said. And Longtail ran back into camp. "Noooo," I said. "It's not safe!" As I ran into the camp following Longtail. I heard a yowl behind me and Lionblaze said. "We have to follow her!" "No," Firestar said. "We can't risk losing anymore cats." And at that moment I realized what I had done. I had run into the camp, with a tree about to fall. But I had done it anyway. I will succeed in what I had come here for. "Longtail come back! We have to go before the tree falls and kills us!" "Mousefur will kill me if I don't bring her back her mouse." Longtail retorted. "But you will be dead if we stay here!" I yelled. Just then I heard a loud sucking noise. And then a creaking noise as the tree started toppling toward us. "The tree is falling!" I yelled to Longtail. I tried to dodge out of the way but it fell to fast. I heard a terrible crunching noise of my own bones crushing and snapping inside of me. And everything went black. I heard rustling. I was alive. I heard warriors contemplating how to find me. I could feel the twigs scraping all over me and suddenly Lionblaze yowled, "I can smell her!" Suddenly the whole tree trunk was up in the air and I was seized by Graystripe, my father. The first thing I said to him was, "Is he okay?"

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