Contest Entree (#4): Cousins4ever

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Runningkit's POV
Me and my siblings waited until dark, when our mother was asleep. We quietly snuck out of the den and through the dirt place tunnel. We started to make our way through the hills and heather.
"Where are we going again?" Smallkit asked, twitching his nose excitedly. "To hunt of course!" I replied quietly, almost tripping over a rock. Smallkit nodded and was about to say something, but I stopped him with my tail. We needed to keep a low profile.
Wolfkit gasped and pointed in front of us. I took my gaze off of Smallkit long enough to see a rabbit's tail disappear into the heather. Suddenly, all became eerily quiet. I turned to look for Wolfkit and Smallkit, but they were gone. I took three more steps forward and came to a small drop, with water rushing through the gap between the banks.
Smallkit and Wolfkit were clinging to a branch that was jutting out of the cliff. "Grab my paw!" I yelled, reaching for Smallkit. He missed and almost fell, which made me lunge for him, throwing myself off of the cliff. Wolfkit lunged for me, his claws grazing my fur. Smallkit couldn't hold on any longer and slipped, being dragged through the current.
A piece of driftwood floated by, just as Wolfkit slipped. He grabbed onto the bark and held as well as he could. As he passed, he grabbed Smallkit, who grabbed me. We held on as if our lives were at stake, which they were.
I saw three RiverClan warriors, watching us struggle. I looked directly into the eyes of a tom. He had a stern gaze. "Help!" I called out with all the might I could muster. The she-cat crouched down, as if to jump, but the tom I had met eyes with shook his head and blocked her from jumping.
The she-cat seemed to gasp and as I turned, I saw Smallkit fall into the river. Wolfkit tried to catch him, but lost balance on the slippery wood. Smallkit slammed into the side and sunk. Wolfkit tried to get him, but hit his head on a rock and was left, half on the rock, with a bad head injury.
"Stupid warriors! I hate you! Why did you let this happen?!?!" I screeched as Wolfkit's chest stopped rising and fell still. I slipped from the driftwood and struggled to keep my head a float. The three warriors walked away as I started to sink.
I couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down. I couldn't breathe, and it stung. I put my paw to my throat, shut my eyes, and dug my claws into my windpipe, killing myself instantly.
When I woke up, I saw Wolfkit, Smallkit, and a strange warrior that smelled of heather. "Follow me." He whispered before leading us up. He stopped and turned. "Welcome to StarClan, little ones. I'm sorry you had to come up so soon."

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