Chapter 36

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Zayn’s POV

As soon as she handed me the photo of all the ‘family’ together my hopes that Adrian wasn’t lying diminished. I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t enough evidence but even through the photo I could see how one of the girl’s arms was tinged with purple and how one of the boys had a trail of blood staining his already torn shirt.

Alanna’s face said it all.

She looked even more hopeless than she had before we had kissed and the guilt that surged through me was well deserved. I hated myself for what I said but once you said something you can never take it back.  I didn’t feel sorry for her at all and I didn’t know what the hell came over me when I uttered those words. Seeing the way her face crumpled, even though she tried to hide it, made me feel like a piece of shit. I hated seeing her like that and it was even worse when I knew that I had caused it.

I sighed to myself but nobody heard it. Everyone’s eyes were fixated on Alanna’s figure as she shuffled through the content of the cubby hole.  She pulled out several items though her eyes lingered on a small teddy and I couldn’t help but want to ask but I knew that wasn’t the time.

She pulled out that which looked like a book until she opened it and within it was numerous CD’s. She flicked through them absentmindedly until her eyes caught on the title and her eyes grew wide. Her eyes flickered around the room and when they landed on a surveillance camera that was in the corner she flipped out completely.

Grabbing the nearest object, which happened to be a key, she flung it at the camera. I didn’t expect it to hit it at all and I certainly didn’t expect the key to hit the camera directly in the middle of the lens. I stared at her in shock; damn that girl had good aim.

But the expression on her face drowned any other thoughts. She looked murderous; it was almost as if I could see the anger visibly rolling off her in waves that surged through the atmosphere.

I approached her gently. “Alanna?”

She stood up abruptly, chucking the CD’s at me. “You wanted proof. It’s in there.”

“What do you mean?”

“All the proof you going to ever need is in there, but let me warn you now that you’re not going to like what you see on those CD’s. Not at all.” She warned her voice flat, but I could detect the underlying emotion.

“What’s on those CD’s Alanna?” Louis asked sounding slightly concerned.

“It’s it- it’s,” She stammered and then took a deep breath. “I-I physically can’t tell you what’s on those CD’s.”

“Why not?”

She sighed, frustrated. “Look I just can’t okay? Once you look at what’s on those CD’s you will know why.”

To be honest I didn’t like the sound of that at all and it made me slightly apprehensive but I knew I needed to know what was on them. It seemed as though she wanted to tell us what was on them, but she physically couldn’t. What could have been so traumatising to make her not tell anybody?

My mind had conjured up a few ideas, but none of them fit. If it was just a severe beating on those films then wouldn’t she be eager to show us and prove what a bastard my uncle is?

“We will look at them.” Harry assured her.

She swallowed. “Okay but look at them now. I want to get this over with.”

“I don’t know if you have noticed but we don’t have a computer.” I pointed out in a snarky tone.

She gritted her teeth. “Why are you being more of a bastard then usual?”

Battle To Be Free (z.m) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now