Chapter 31

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I stepped out of the car, which was still technically Harry’s, and began to walk briskly towards the building that loomed over me. Naturally, I had heard several horror stories about mental asylums over the years but I never thought I would be about to step into one.

This place wasn’t a mental asylum as such, more of a place for mentally ill patients to go when they could no longer look after themselves. Obviously the patients inside were harmless, they were just suffering from a disease which no surgery or tests could cure.

Many of the patients inside had tried and failed to commit suicide and because they had landed themselves in hospital when they had tried, they were brought here to be looked after. The person I was here to see had done just that; she had tried to kill herself by ripping up pieces of a bible and shoving them down her throat, hoping that she would choke to death.

That girl was my foster sister, Aria.

I took a deep breath whilst wondering to myself if any of us had turned out remotely normal. At the moment the evidence was stating no, but I had yet to see what Demetri and Seth had grown up to be like so I still held a speckle of hope.

I knew I wouldn’t get much answers out of her, however I felt like I had this duty to go and visit her. When I sifted through the internet for signs of them I came across a girl called Allison Rewadson. The only reason it came up was because she still had the same last name and when I couldn’t find anything else I clicked on the link and I was glad I did.

Her story had been publicized heavily, although for legal reasons they couldn’t show her face, and many said it was one of the weirdest cases of attempted suicide they had ever come across. Whilst reading the article I noticed a comment made by a psychologist whose opinion was that she must have gone through some kind of trauma that was linked to religion for her to want to commit suicide that way.

I guess the massive crucifix we had on our backs was that trauma, although that detail was never given to the press.

At the reception a woman was sat on the office chair, her fingers tapping along rhythmically on the keyboard. I strolled up to the desk and when she failed to notice me stood there I tapped on the desk to get her attention.

She looked up seemingly startled. “Yes dear?”

I cleared my throat. “I’m here to see a patient.”

She smiled. “Who might that be?”

“Allison Rewadson.” I informed her using the fake name Aria had been going by.

The receptionist visibly stiffened.  “Are you another reporter cause if you are I won’t hesitate to kick you’re ass-,”

I cut her off shaking my head frantically. “No, no. I know her she used to be my foster sister.”

The ladies eyes narrowed. “Hmm,” She paused. “That’s what they all say.”

“Please. I need to see her.” I pleaded.

She studied me for a second before sighing. “I’ll ask her if she wants to see you. What’s your name?”


“Okay I’ll just go and see if you are who you say you are.”

I took a seat on the plush couches and noted that this place didn’t look to bad at all. The building was relatively modern, the furniture appeared to be almost new and I knew that someone somewhere was paying a lot of money to keep Aria here as this was definitely a private care home.

I glanced at the woman’s desk and saw a picture of an adorable little baby stuck to the edge of the computer screen. Its chubby cheeks were pulled up into a grin and it had to be the cutest photo I’d ever seen.

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