Chapter 18

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Alanna's POV

From Zayn:

What? Are you ok?

I ignored the message for a second and focused on getting my breathing even, as the last thing I wanted was to get caught because I breathed. My heart was pounding in my ears and I tried to listen to their conversation.

I heard several banging noises. "Are you saying you can't do me a better deal? Let me guess if I was Zayn you would be able to wouldn't you?" Dean said in a voice that even made me tremble and I wasn't on the receiving end.

The man whimpered loudly. "I do the same price for everyone and I'm helping you a lot more than I should be doing tonight."

Dean laughed. "You're helping me just as much as you should. They're all going to die tonight and I'm going to get her back."

"I still don't understand why." The guy commented and there was more banging. I'm guessing he was hitting his head into the wall.

"She's important," He paused for a second and I could imagine the sinister smile on his face. "And Zayn and his group of minions are going to get what they deserve. Robert and Christy are going to get it a hell of a lot worse."

With shaky fingers I picked my phone back up.

To Zayn:

Get out of here. Dean's here just leave.

The man didn't say anything.

From Zayn:

Alanna where are you?

Why couldn't he just leave? He needed to leave Dean was going to kill them all for god's sake.

To Zayn:

You need to leave right now. I'm guessing he's got other gang members here and if that's right you'll be outnumbered. Don't be stupid leave!

My breaths were becoming shallow and I knew I had to calm down. The poignant smell of weed in the air wasn't helping me calm down. A phone started to ring and I thought for a minute it was mine until I heard Dean answer it.

He seemed to listen for a second before something smashed against the wall and I tried not to flinch.

"What do you mean they've gone?!" Dean boomed in the silent room.

If I didn't have a cast on I would've at least attempted to sneak out, but with my cast on it was no use. "Was Alanna with Zayn and the others when they left?"

I breathed a small sigh of relief. They had left, they were safe. I ignored the small, more selfish, part of me that wished that they would've stayed behind so that they could come and rescue me, because I knew it was the right thing to do.

"She wasn't?" Shit he knew I hadn't left. "Find her. But don't harm her; that's my job."

I heard the phone clicked off. "Seems that Alanna is playing hide and seek with me. That just won't do. I'll have to go and find her."

I heard him walk out of the room leaving the man behind for a moment.

"Forgive me God." He murmured in a pained voice before following after him.

When they left I tried not to get hysterical and took deep breaths analysing the situation. I was in a house I didn't know with a man that might possibly be trying to kill me and I had nobody to help me, not forgetting the fact that I could barely walk never mind run.

Battle To Be Free (z.m) ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن