Chapter 6

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Zayn’s POV

What had I done?

I was going to remind the little bitch who I was and make her treat me like the ruthless leader I’m meant to make myself out to be. But I didn’t. Me being me I let lust get in the way and I honestly don’t know what I was thinking when I leaned into kiss her. She was attractive and that was literally the only excuse I had for my actions. With her very toned body that was covered in smooth pale skin and those piercing blue eyes that were framed by her wavy blonde her that fell down to her waist, I couldn’t help myself.

My brain wasn’t in control.

But my penis was.

Even if she had kissed me back where would that have left me? She would have told everyone and most likely ruined my reputation for a long time. I couldn’t let that happen. This rivalry all started when Dean and some of the other originals, who were people who were in the gang when it first started, went after my Uncle.

Before my Dad died he made sure that there was always someone protecting him and guarding him at all times. When he died I made sure that I would do the same; even now I still had no idea why Dean and the rest of them took such an intense dislike to my Uncle, but I wasn’t about to let him be mercilessly murdered because of it.

Liam started the car, which ran very smoothly, as it should do considering it cost a ridiculous amount of money. I may not murder people without reason, like most other gangs, but I do stick to the stereotypical gang cars. Why? Because I can.

“Do we know the dead guy’s name?” I asked Liam breaking the comfortable silence that had descended around us.

“Michael Stake.” He informed me.

“Was he definitely a west- sider?” I asked. I had learnt from past experiences that we couldn’t be more careful, as a few years ago we accidentally murdered a civilian that was caught in the crossfire.

“Definitely. He has the mark that Dean and the other originals have.”

“I still don’t understand if that is the mark of the gang, why he didn’t mark all the others too.” I told him as it was something that had been bugging me for a long time now.

“I don’t know.” He replied. “Maybe it’s to remind the rest of them that they’re the ones that set the gang up? That they’re superior?”

“Maybe.” I responded but didn’t feel like the truth. Throughout all this time, there had always felt like there was something I was missing.

“Anyway, I reckon that Alanna is going to cause a problem,” He commented casually.


“Because she’s going to be living in a house with a bunch of sex crazed teenage boys and you’re telling me that no-one’s going to make a move on her? Especially looking like she does?” He sighed.

I already have made a move on her I thought. But obviously I didn’t say it out loud.

“I know they will. But we can’t really do anything about it.”

“Do you believe her?” He asked glancing at me from the side of the steering wheel.

“Do you?” I countered.

“Strangely I do. But you didn’t answer my question.”

“Strangely I do too.” I admitted sighing.

“If it is true I know she’s had hell over the past 2 years and I also know that Dean isn’t going to let her go easily.” He told me his voice full of concern for us.

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