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Lily had been making great progress with her tutors and with Tony. He was constantly amazed at what she could figure out. He wasn't sure it was a power she had or if she was just a child prodigy, much like himself. Either way, she had wormed her way into his heart. In addition to her studies at the tower she would attend science class with Peter Parker on occasion. He made sure to watch out for her with the other kids and most everyone loved her. There was a field trip on a Friday, the same day as the charity gala Tony was hosting. Lily and Blaire would have a full day of activities before the main event.

Blaire was working in the kitchen for the morning and then after lunch she was working on her online classes. Natasha sent her a text to remind her they were going to get her hair trimmed and go dress shopping.

"You know I can't wear short sleeves," Blaire reminded Natasha for the tenth time.

"I know, just relax."

"And I don't want to wear something super tight on my stomach. I like to eat so I need room. And I'm helping out with the food set up."

Natasha stopped and glared at Blaire, not saying anything for a moment. She had no idea how someone could be so much of an old lady in a teens body. "Just enjoy the moment, honey."

They barely had any time to get Blaire's hair trimmed to even out Edna's hack job, but she looked amazing at the end. It was more of a curly bob but the style made her brown eyes really stand out. Natasha then took her to Sephora and bought an arsenal of makeup. Blaire didn't know how to use any of it, but she knew Natasha would help her. They had half an hour to find a dress before they needed to head back to the tower.

Natasha found the perfect dress for Blaire. It was long sleeved but the sleeves were see-through. It was floor length with detail at the waist making it look like twisted fabric. It was a light lavender color with a little bit of shine. It contrasted nicely with Blaire's dark hair and olive toned skin. She found some silver ballet flats and simply jewelry to go with it.

When Natasha dropped Blaire off at her room to get ready she said, "Thanks for helping me, Natasha. I've never had anything so nice before."

Lily was already dressed and ready for the night. Happy and Pepper had gotten her bathed and hair brushed since Tony was still working on a project in his lab. Pepper had Friday countdown every five minutes until it was time to leave in a limousine. Blaire was completely ready and Natasha was putting the finishing touches on her eye makeup when Bucky and Steve knocked on the door.

"What?! We're almost ready!" Natasha yelled out to them.

Blaire grabbed a purse and headed out to the living area. Bucky and Steve were in tuxedos and looked handsome as ever. They both stood and stared at Blaire as she walked out from her room. "Come on boys, pick up your jaw off the floor," Natasha said with a smirk.

Bucky was the first to regain his composure. "Blaire, you look amazing."

"I agree, the color looks beautiful on you," Steve said.

Blaire was blushing and fidgeting with her hands as she didn't know what to say. Natasha nudged her and whispered, "This is the part where you say thank you."

"Th-thank you," Blaire said quietly.

Natasha and Bucky exchanged a look and started to head to the elevator together, leaving Steve behind with Blaire.

Steve walked up to Blaire was she was continuing to fidget with her sleeves and purse. Steve took one of her hands in his and with the other tilted her head up to look in her eyes. "You look very beautiful tonight. There are going to be a lot people at the gala tonight and they will all tell you that you're beautiful. You need to accept that and once you do it won't bother you so much. Because it's true. Besides being beautiful, you're clever, a hard worker, and kind. Even though the world has beaten on you, you still have kindness."

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