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The young girl watched the Saturday shoppers go by, twisting the ends of her brown hair, wishing she was in a different time and place. One where she didn't have to pick one evil over another. But she didn't have a choice. She only took what she needed and never more. Blaire Escobedo could only count on herself and no one else. She had to protect and provide for herself and her little sister Lily. She didn't remember much, only that Blaire was always there to protect her and keep her safe.

It all came back to the battle of New York, when their parents died accidentally and left the two as orphans. Blaire didn't want to steal to survive, but she had to. The foster system failed her too many times to count. The cops weren't any better.

Blaire shuffled along with the Saturday shoppers, peeking into shopping bags and grocery bags, to see if there was anything she really needed. Lily needed a new pair of shoes, and Blaire needed to find their next meal. She easily blended into the crowds since she was five foot, four inches. Her dark brown hair was loose, under a floppy hat. Blaire had spotted her mark, a forty something gentleman, nice slacks, nice leather shoes and belt. Expensive sunglasses and a fancy watch. Blaire cued Lily and she made her move. She ran around the corner, right in front of the man with a cup of water. As she splashed it near him and on him, Blaire made her move, stealthy as a ghost. She grabbed his wallet from his back pocket as he yelled at Lily to watch where she was going. A few people glanced at the commotion and then went on walking or sipping their coffee. That was the glory of New York. Some might try to stop a crime, but people mostly mind themselves. No one really cares. Or at least, that's what Blaire thought. She strolled casually around the corner with his wallet, picking out the bills and leaving the plastic when she heard the same man shouting. "That girl stole my wallet! Somebody stop her!"

Lily was already half way down the block when she heard the man shouting. She took a glance over her should and started running again as fast as her little legs would carry her. She ran around a corner and right into a pair of legs as strong and as big as tree trunks. She landed on her rear with an "Oof!" The startled man said, "Oh! Are you ok? Gotta watch where you're going, kid." He had a smile on his face that quickly disappeared when the forty something wallet man came into view. "Stop her! She stole my wallet!"

The tall blond man immediately changed direction and started chasing after the little girl who had crashed into his legs. "Stop!" he called to her. But she just ran, dodged, and jumped as much as she could. He caught up to her in no time and put a massive hand on her shoulder, effectively stopping her. "Stop! I'm not going to hurt you kid! Did you take that man's wallet?"

"I don't have his wallet! Let me go!" She was pulling with all her strength to escape the vice like grip of the blond man.

"Are you sure you didn't take his wallet?" he asked again.

"I took it!" a female voice said from nearby. As soon as the blond man jerked his head in her direction he was knocked flat on his back by an invisible force, making him lose his grip on the little girl. He jumped up back to his feet with lightening quick reflexes, but the girl and the other girl who had spoken were gone.

"You let them get away?!" the forty-ish man with the wallet said, exasperated.

"I'm sorry, sir, but they did get away. I can help you call the police to try and track them down."

Blaire quickly took a short cut through the building and knew where Lily was headed. Blaire was able to get in front of where Lily should be but she was late because she had crashed into the large man. Blaire hid in the shadows as she watched him chasing after Lily. He was amazingly fast! And tall! He caught up to Lily in no time and had his giant hands on her. Blaire was furious! She had to get Lily away from him. He leaned down to question her and Blaire heard her shout, "I don't have his wallet! Let me go!" He asked her again and that was Blaire's cue. Blaire held her hands in front of her body, directing her force. "I took it!" she shouted and then shoved him with her powers. Lily ran to Blaire and they both ran out of sight before he could find them again. They stayed in the alleys and made their way back "home". Home was an abandoned fire station in an older part of Brooklyn.

Blaire let out a sigh of relief once she was sure they weren't being followed. As she and Lily climbed around the fence to the fire station she called out a greeting to Terrence as he sat, watching cars go by. Edna was inside, stirring a pot of soup that would be lunch, dinner, and maybe breakfast too. Blaire shook her head. She wanted so much more out of life for herself and her sister. 

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