Chapter Twenty Five

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Elisha placed his forehead against Sabrina's and smiled. He rested his hand on her stomach and caressed it. His seed rested within her. It persevered against all the bullshit Kevin put it through. It lived despite what his father planned to do. He glared in her eyes. Although there was happiness there, fear was still present. That was a fear he understood. But he wasn't going to let it come between them. Fear no longer had a place in his family's hearts. He was going to see to that.

"Do you want to find out the sex?" Elisha asked, still caressing her stomach. 

"I do," she replied. She smiled at him, then stuffed a spoon full of red strawberry-flavored jello in her mouth. "I'd rather have an exact sure than play guessing games when buying baby clothes."

"That does eliminate the second-guessing and save us more money," he said. Elisha leaned closer to her and kissed her lips. "I'm really hoping for another girl. Madeline has me sold."

"And what if it's a boy," Sabrina asked, staring into his eyes. 

"Then, I want to name him after the two most important people that graced our lives," Elisha said. "Nathanial Myles Brysen."

A tear slipped from Sabrina's eye. "I really love that." 

Noticing the door open, Elisha saw his family cram into the small room. Madeline squeezed her way from between Jennifer, Edward, and Amber and ran to him with her arms opened. He picked her up and placed her in his lap. "Did mommy answer the question, daddy?"

"She did, little one."

"And?" Madeline wiggled in his lap with a smile.

"Mommy said yes," Sabrina said with a wide smile. 

"Okay. So, when is the wedding. I need me a drink like yesterday," Jennifer said.

Zora glared at the side of Jennifer's head and laughed. "You know, Jennifer", Ms. Zora said. "For once, I'm seeing things your way. Tell me where the reception will be so that I can dance all night long." She swung arms in the air and kicked her legs like she was a Charleston Dancer. 

They all laughed as they watched Ms. Zora dance her way to the sofa and take a seat. Lori sat next to her and smiled. "I agree," she said, shimming her shoulders. "We just need to dance."

"Oh my God!" Amber said, hiding her flushed face. "Mom, please stop. Please promise me that you're not going to dance at my brother and Sabrina's wedding."

"Child please," Jennifer said, trying to keep up with Ms. Zora. "They're dancing better than me and you right now, and they got age on us."

Elisha shook his head while smiling. "Then, I better brush up on my dancing skills."

"Don't worry, I got you that's if I'm not too big," Sabrina said, smiling at him.

"Wait," Elisha spoke. "You want to get married before the baby is born."

"Why not?" Sabrina asked. "I want this child to be surrounded by his or her legitimate family."

A tear fell down Jennifer's cheek, watching the three smile at each other. "Oh my God! I would love to have something like that."

Edward grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "You already do," he spoke. He smiled at her, then turned his attention back to Elisha and Sabrina.

Elisha looked at the people around him. They were his real family, he thought. They were all he needed. Their laughter and smiles kept him from thinking about all the harm his father had caused. All his father was, was just a name. He wasn't anything more than that and Elisha hated that. He longed for dad to be there celebrating this life that he and Sabrina were about to welcome into the world, under different circumstances of course. Yet, he knew that dad chose money and social status over his family. Hell, he even thought that he was far more superior than other races and women. But that wasn't how grandpa and grandma raised him.

They were never like that from what he and Amber knew. Whenever they came around, Elisha jumped at the opportunity to be with them because they always gave him what he needed and not what he wanted. It was just so strange to him, though, how dad turned out so differently. Maybe it was because he was the only child. Or maybe it was the fact that grandpa refused to buy into shares that dad was trying to start Brysen Real Estate and Construction with. As much as they supported him, grandpa didn't trust the people dealing with the money.

And it could have very well been the fact that grandpa and grandma split their inheritance between him and Amber. Maybe he wanted what they had. Maybe he could've tried to go after it. Either way, the man who knew as dad wasn't his father. He was just hungry for control. God! He wanted his father to be a stronger figure in his life. He needed him to be that. Though, he'd forgotten that's exactly what he got. It may not have been his father, but the people standing around him were his support. He sighed. He didn't want to lose any of them to dad's hatred. 

Sabrina touched his hand as she glared at him with big doe eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, beautiful," he replied. He leaned over and kissed her lips. 

"Daddy," Madeline said, wiggling in his lap. "Can Daisy be a flower girl?"

"Who's Daisy," Zora asked. 

"Elisha's happy white Labrador Retriever," Amber replied, grinning.

Zora shook her head while laughing. "Oh my goodness. We have become a hallmark card."

"Knock, knock," Dr. Sawyer sang as she opened the door. She glanced at all the smiling faces standing about in the tight room. "I came to check on my favorite patients. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling much better," Sabrina said. She placed the empty jello cup on the tray in front of her. 

Dr. Sawyer walked over to Sabrina and checked her pulse and blood pressure. "Everything is sounding good," she said. "But I want to keep you one more night just monitor you and baby."

"Okay," Sabrina said. She placed her hand on her stomach, flashing the ring.

Dr. Sawyer looked at her hand and covered her wide smile with her hand. "What's this? Did I miss something important?"

"Well," Elisha said, making Dr. Sawyer linger on his word. "It wasn't that much, right Sabrina."

"Yeah," Sabrina said, nodding her head as she smiled. "It wasn't that much."

"That's an engagement ring, isn't it." Dr. Sawyer took Sabrina's hand into her own and examined it. "This is gorgeous. Please tell me that it is."

Sabrina and Elisha smiled at her and nodded their heads. 

"I knew it!" Dr. Sawyer squealed like a little girl. "I just knew you both were meant to be together. Love makes no mistakes."

Elisha glared into Sabrina's eyes. "Now I know."  

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