Chapter Twenty Three

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Elisha placed Sabrina against the wall as the footsteps grew closer to them. She rested her head against it, then slumped to her knees. He watched her clutch her stomach as she winced and moaned. He had to get her to the hospital. 

"Hold on, beautiful," he said, kneeling next to her. "I'm going to get you out of here." He stood to his feet and stepped forward. He held his gun with one hand while holding his flashlight in the other underneath the weapon, aiming down his sights. What looked like two figures could have been more, Elisha thought. Either way, he didn't want to take any chances of starting a gunfight with Sabrina behind him. He'd wouldn't forgive himself if she took a bullet.     

The sounds of Sabrina coughing and gagging caught his attention. He looked back at her, shining the light on her.  She emptied what little contents she had in her stomach, then collapsed to the floor.

"Oh, God! Sabrina." He ran to her and placed his fingers on her neck. Her pulse was there, yet she was cool to the touch. That bastard did this to her. What Kevin couldn't have he had to take it. He flashed his light at the approaching figures. Coming into the view of his light, he noticed Howard walking alongside Derrick and another individual. Derrick aimed his gun at Elisha and Sabrina, keeping it trained on him. 

"If you thought you were going to waltz in here like you were James Bond, think again detective. I'm getting a nice little lump sum to make sure that bitch leaves here with the right person," Howard spoke.

Elisha stood to his feet, keeping his gun trained on Howard. "I don't give a shit who paid you. I'm not going to let you go easy if you come any closer."

"Really detective," Howard replied. "You're the ask questions first--"

"Shoot later kind of guy," Elisha said, finishing the statement. Kevin was the only person who ever said that. He frowned. He always considered that to be Elisha's weakness. That was strength and humility compared to his partner's hot-headed egotistical behavior, he thought. Well, he was going to learn what quiet strength meant today. "Did my partner tell you that I hate bullshit."

Howard laughed. "He told me that you were soft."

"Soft, huh?" Elisha fired his gun, sending a bullet through Howard's knee cap. He watched the man fall as he clutched his leg and screamed. Not wasting a single moment, Elisha fired his gun at Derrick and the other man, sending the second victim to the ground in grunts and screams. 

Elisha tucked his gun into the holster on his waistband and scooped up Sabrina's limp body. He ran past the men, taking the path back he trekked before. 

"Gawd damn it! Go after him you stupid fuck," Howard screamed. He rolled around in his own blood and winced. 

Elisha neared the front of the building and examined his surroundings. It wasn't going to be long before Kevin made his debut. If there was one thing he knew about his partner, he knew that he never made an appearance without getting everyone's attention. He just had to get her out of there before he did.  Hearing footsteps and voices behind him, Elisha kicked the entrance door open and ran out into the parking lot where he started. 

Four men ran after him as Elisha made his way across the empty street. He ducked, trying to avoid the gunshots going off behind him. Edward cranked up his old Buick and drove off the lot at full speed toward the men. He slammed the wide body of the car into one of the men, sending him flying into the air as he drove down the street after the others.

Elisha watched the wreckage with wide eyes. Edward wasn't one to be trifled with, he thought. He placed Sabrina against the SUV while trying to hold her up. He opened the door and guided her limp body inside. He felt a cold piece of steel press against the back of his neck. He closed his eyes. Turning around slowly, Elisha glared into Kevin's eyes. The smile of his face twisted his stomach. 

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