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Disclaimer: Sorry! Don't own PJO or HOO!!! Rick Riordan does!!!! :)

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Over 100 views! WOOHOO!!!! *happy dance* Thank you to all those who helped contribute to my hundred reads!!!!

This chappie is dedicated to habibaFass for being the first awesomazing reader to comment!!! Thank you!!!! :) <3

VI-- Nico

Nico knew what they had to do.

Camp Half-Blood was in danger, but so were Percy and Annabeth.

That meant that the group had to make a choice- to save either their camp, or their friends.

If they went back to New York to save the camp, they would never be able to reach the House of Hades in Greece in time to save Percy and Annabeth. But if they continued to Greece without returning to camp, their only safe haven from the dangers of the outside world may be destroyed.

As these thoughts were going through Nico's head, the others were arguing around him.

"We can't go back. We'll never reach Epirus in time," Jason grimly stated.

"But, Jason!" Piper argued. "Camp is our home. We can't just possibly ignore that they're in danger!"

"For once I actually have to admit, Beauty Queen is right," Leo piped up.

"Thank y-- Wait, what?" Piper said.

Frank spoke up. "Look, we know that you're worried and all, but it's just that it's not very important at the--"

"Not important?" Piper huffed, indignantly.

"That's not what he meant, Piper," Hazel added quickly. "It's just that--" She sighed in frustration. "It's hard to explain without offending you guys. Right now, our top priority is getting to the House of Hades in time."

The room erupted into a cacophany of noise as each of the Five in the Great Prophecy spoke at the same time, trying to be heard above the voices of all the others.

Caoch Hedge banged his baseball bat on his chair, breaking it in half. "Woah, there, cupcakes!" he bellowed. "Let's settle this in a civilised manner!"

The demigods took their seats, the Romans- Jason, Hazel and Frank, on one side of the table, and the Greeks- Piper and Leo, on the other.

Nico realised that he had to be the one to end this argument once and for all.

"Alright," he said. "I understand that saving Camp is really important," he turned to Leo and Piper, who nodded. "But," he continued. "So is closing the Doors of Death."

When no one spoke up, he continued.

"Okay," he said, starting to feel weird. Everyone's eyes were on him and he wasn't used to people paying attention to him and being looked up to as the leader and being the one who made the choices.

That was usually Percy's job.

But, oh yeah, he was in Tartarus.

"Why don't we send an Iris-message to camp to see how they're holding up?"

Leo showed him the steam fountain in the corner of the room.

Nico scooped up a drachma lying at the bottom of the pool and tossed it into a rainbow formed by the fountain.

"O Iris, goddess of rainbows, accept my offering. Show me Camp Half-Blood."

A teenage girl with curly, fiery red hair, and startingly green eyes, appeared in the mist.

House of HadesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora