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Disclaimer: Don’t own PJO or HOO… Rick Riordan does…

This chapter is dedicated to lauen_lives! Thank you for ALL the votes and commenting!!! :) I love ya!!! <3

I mentioned lauen_lives (aka Lauren) in my last chappie for the shout-out, but I REALLY wanted to deicate this next chappie to her, soooo…

Here it is!

And this chappie’s shout-out goes tooooo…


Kk… Main reason…

1.     She is SUPER nice!!! :)

This is a short conversation we had on her message board:



12 hours ago

@Awktwurtle :))) AWWW!!! THANK. YOU!!!! I appreciate your AMAZING opinion of my story!!! <3

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16 hours ago

@michaelpercy1808 youre welcome! I loved ur fanfic I thought it was this BEST house of hades fan fic and it was like FANTABULOUSLY AMAZING LIKE I WAS CRYING AT SOME PARTS. Keep up with the fanfics

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2 days ago

Thank you for the vote!!!! :)))

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Yeah, sooo…

Guys, 3 more chapters until my story is done—CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? ‘CAUSE I CAN’T!!

OH… AND 20, 000+ READS GUYS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3


Read, comment, vote and FOLLOW!!! :)


Hazel didn’t ever think that she had felt so tired in her entire life.

The daughter of Pluto released all the power that she had remaining into that last shove, and was surprised when her eyes didn’t roll into the back of her head right on the spot.

The Doors of Death slammed closed.


The loud sound echoed throughout the House of Hades, like a thunderous pounding of a gavel, and in an instant, the panicked frenzy in the air had transformed into an atmosphere of dazed silence and disbelief.

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