XVII-- Percy

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Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns PJO and HOO.

This chapter is dedicated to jwils477 for following me and reading my story. Thank you, jwils477! And everyone, check her House of Hades out, comment, vote and, follow!

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XVII-- Percy

Black. That was all that Percy could see.

He didn't know where he was. He couldn't see anything, feel anything, taste anything, smell anything or hear anything.

He felt like he was trapped in some limbo dream world, and everything was utter darkness.

Then somewhere far ahead of him there was the tiniest pinprick of light, so small that it was hardly noticeable.

For some odd reason, the first thing that popped into his mind was, Am I dying?

Hoping that he wasn't, he walked slowly towards the light, his right arm outstretched.

When he reached it, he carefully slipped his hand into the shimmering light, and was sucked into another place.

Standing up, he brushed himself off, and studied his surroundings.

He was in a dark, damp chamber, with hard stone walls and floor. The rancid smell of freshly-spilt blood reached his nostrils, making him want to vomit. At the far end of the room stood some sort of earthen throne, with vines snaking restlessly up and down it.

Percy shuddered when he recognised the place as Gaea's lair.

The Earth goddess herself stood in the middle of the room. At the moment, she assumed the image of an old woman in her late 70s. Her black hair was the same colour as tilled soil and she had a beautiful face. She wore aforest green robe will small amounts of gold and white, as if sunlight were shining on the robe through tree branches. Her eyes were green and black, like the crust of the earth. They were half-open, like she was half-asleep, but then that also meant that she was half-awake. The Seven had to close the Doors of Death- and soon.

When she spoke, her lips didn’t move. Instead, Percy heard Gaea’s voice in his mind, as if her voice was coming from the depths of the earth, and vibrating up to his head.

What is your progress? she impatiently asked the creature kneeling before her.

Arachne trembled slightly, obviously afraid of the goddess. She straightened her legs, moving from her kneeling position to stand before Gaea.

My- my Queen, she attempted slowly, saying ‘queen’ bitterly, like she didn’t like how the word tasted in her mouth. We have… lost the son of Poseidon and the daughter of Athena.

Gaea’s expression didn’t change, but her voice was spiteful, and laced with venom.

Incompetent fool! the goddess spat, contemptuously. I have been made aware of that… situation. What progress have you made in finding the blasted demigods?

Arachne shifted her weight uneasily, and her eight legs skittered nervously. W- well, my lady. I- I have sent my best Seekers to scour all of Tartarus for the teenagers, and you could expect results soon—

Best? Gaea scoffed. Well, then. They’re not good enough!

Arachne hung her head, her pincers clicking anxiously. Y- yes, my lady. I- I do apologise. But once we have them—

“We can get rid of those brats once and for all!” Kronos growled, walking into the room.

For some weird reason, this time, he didn’t look like Luke.

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