L. The last day

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"Aiden I'm sorry, I know it's hard to see it now but maybe is for the best" you said, with a sad smile.

"I know it is" he said nodding. "But it's so hard, I really like him" he cried again and you hugged him.

Adam entered the motorhome with two cups of coffee on his hands.

"Here you go" he said, placing them on the table in front of you.

"Thank you, Adam. You're great" Aiden smiled at him, sipping his coffee.

"Don't worry Aiden, you'll get through this. I'll help you" you smiled at him.

"We will" Adam said, smiling at him.

"You guys are so good with me, you are like my parents" Aiden said, and you chuckled. "I guess me and Zach weren't meant to be" he said, looking at the floor.

"Do you believe in 'meant to be'?" You asked him.

"I do" he nodded. "And I see it, right here in you for example" he said, looking at you and Adam.

You looked at Adam and he smiled at you, then you got back to comfort your friend's broken heart.

One week later...

The last scene of the movie was being shot. Adam was done filming and he was sitting with you, while you were outside on the island watching the last scene.

"I can't believe this" you said to him. He was standing behind you, hugging you while watching with you.

"I'm getting emotional" he said, making you chuckle.

"Cut!" Rian yelled. "Everybody, it's a wrap!" He said, and everybody ovationated him. Applause, whistles and even music were on.
Everyone hugged each other, with tears in their eyes.

"Congratulations baby" you said, looking at Adam and feeling proud of him.

"I love you so much" he said. He picked you up and kissed you. You kissed him back, running your hands through his hair. He put you down and smiled at you, with tears on his eyes.

"There they are, mom and dad" Oscar said, running to you. He hugged Adam, celebrating the new movie and then hugged you. "I'm so glad that I met you" he smiled at you.

"Thanks for being so nice to me" you smiled back at him. In front of you, Adam was hugging Daisy and John.

"My turn, my turn" Daisy said, pushing Oscar.

"Congratulations Daisy, this is going to be a success for you" you said, hugging her.

"Thank you, for everything" she smiled at you.

John walked and hugged you both.

"I love you girls" he said. You saw that Adam was smiling at the picture, while putting an arm aroun Domhnall's shoulder. You walked to them.

"Congratulations, Domhnall" you said, hugging him.

"Thank you, thanks for always welcome us with open arms in your motorhome" he smiled at you.

"I've never forget what we did for us" Adam said, remembering when he went with you to the hospital and donated blood for your transfusion. "I will be forever grateful".

"I'll do it again if I have to" he smiled at both of you.

"There's my fictional son" Carrie said, walking to you. Adam ran and hugged her, lifting her up from the floor.

"I love you mommy" he said, making her laugh.

"Y/N, my sweet girl" she said to you.

"Congratulations Carrie" you said, hugging her.

"I wish you the best, you brought light to the set with your love" she said, looking at you. Adam looked at you and gave you a small kiss.

Aiden came to your side, and hugged you and then Adam and stayed there with you, while Rian got ready to give a speech.

"Can I get everyone's attention, please?" He asked, standing higher than everybody. "First of all, I want to thank you all. We all know we worked hard, long days without rest, long nights training after work hours, always pushing each other to be better"

"Everyone here did an amazing job, from lighting and camera to actors and costume design. Everyone were here for a reason, and you are all part of the movie. You helped me accomplish my biggest dream and in the making I found myself surrounded with amazing people, who I'd always treasure in my heart. We formed a family, and that's something I'll never forget"

Everyone was crying at his words, Adam was hugging you from behind and with his head resting on your shoulder.

"It was amazing coming to the set everyday and watch all of you, it was a beautiful environment and you contributed to that. Some of us find love in between cables and cameras" he said, looking at Adam and you while you smiled at him. "And that's a true representation of what this year was. Love. A year full of love. Love for our work, love for our coworkers, love in to everything we did"

"So thank you, thank you for being part to this amazing journey. Youre all part of Star Wars history, and you're all a part of me. Thank you!" He yelled and everyone ovationated him again.

That was it, the movie who brought you closer to this amazing people, who gave you the love of your life, was done. The craziest year of your life was almost over, and you brought with you the best memories and people.

Have a nice weekend everybody!
Only two chapters to finish😱

Do you want me to upload both tomorrow? And then on Monday the new story begins...
Let me know!

Thank you so much for reading.

With love


Forbidden Lust - Adam Driver Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora