XVII. Red rose

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Your alarm ringed and you woke up. You slept so well last night, that you were already in a good mood. You did your morning routine and started looking for an outfit.

You checked up the weather, it was cold and cloudy, with high chances of raining. So you put on black jeans, a red sweater with a turtle neck, and some boots. You made sure that the burnt skin from your wrists didn't show up.

Last night was amazing, every time was better and you were afraid of that. He didn't compare to any of your previous lovers and you've never felt more attracted to someone.

You put on some makeup, distracting yourself from your thoughts. Your hair was a little frizzy because of the weather, so you decided to put it on a messy bun.

You grabbed your coat and your purse, and you were ready to roll. When you opened your door you realized that there was something on the entrance...

It was a flower, a red rose, and a cup of coffee. You kneeled and realized there was a letter too.

Have a nice day.

It said.

"What the fuck?" You whispered to yourself. Aiden got off his room.

"Good morning, beauty," he said, not looking at you. "What the hell?" He asked with a big smile on his face.

"You did this?" You asked, a question with an obvious answer.

"No, I didn't" he replied, still smiling and picking up the rose. "Does it have a letter or something?"

You looked at the letter on your hand and hide it from Aiden.

"Yeah but it only said have a nice day" you lied to him.

"Oh my god, you have a secret admirer," he said, giving you your rose. "Kinda creepy, but so romantic" he laughs.

You picked up the coffee and took a sip. "It's delicious," you said looking at him. "Lucky me" you rolled your eyes.

You both entered the elevator.

"You have no idea who this is from?" He asked.

"Not a clue," you said, sipping your coffee, and lying.

Why did Adam do this? It's not like you had a relationship with him, you just hooked up a couple of times. There's no need to be romantic or anything... this wasn't a love story.


You got to the island and entered the set running. It was pouring outside. You actually liked days like this, the smell of wet earth, the sound of the rain crashing the trees. Plus, the island and the rain made the best combination ever.

You entered your motorhome and poured some water on a glass, to put the rose inside. You placed the glass on the small table in front of the couch and light up some candles.

Still wondering why he did that, Daisy entered the motorhome, soaking in water because of the rain.

"Stay right there," you said before she could move "I'm gonna get you a towel"

"Thanks, Y/N," she said.

You came back with the towel and she dried herself, putting her coat on the couch.

"Gosh, it's freezing out there," she said, sitting on the chair. "How are you?"

"I'm great, I love rainy days" you replied smiling, getting ready to put her makeup on. "How about you?"

"Not so great, I had a terrible night" she replied. "I couldn't sleep and I was uncomfortable"

"I'm sorry," you said, putting primer on her face.

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