XXV. Talking bodies

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Spring came to Ireland. Everything was greener, the flowers blossomed, the days were clear. It was a paradise.

And with spring also came Adam. Today was the day he arrived, and you were finally going to see him. This month was rough, but you got through it. Every night you slept with his t-shirt on, smelling his scent and trying not to miss him so much.

Getting off the shower you were looking for an outfit. It was still a little cold in Munster, but you decided to put on a skirt. It was black, not to tight, not to loos. On top, you put on a tight black sweater and on your feet some short boots. This outfit was giving you Rachel Green, from Friends, vibes.

You put on some makeup and blow-dried your hair. You put on some perfume, a black coat, and grabbed your purse, ready to leave. Someone knocked on your door. You opened it, thinking it was Aiden... but it was Adam.

"Surprise!" He said, smiling when you opened the door.

"You're here!" You exclaimed, and drop your purse and coat before jumping into his arms. He picked you up, laughing.

"Gosh, I missed you," he said, looking at your face. You leaned forward and kiss his lips, eager to feel him again.

He kissed you back while hugging you tighter. Aiden got off his room and looked at you.

"Okay but you don't have to do this every time I'm around" he mocked you. Adam put you down and smiled at him.

"Hey, Aiden," he said.

"Hi Adam, I'm glad your back" he smiled at him.

"Me too," he said looking at you. You picked up your purse and put on your coat. "Are you going to the island? I'll join you."

"C'mon," you said, closing the door and walking to the elevator.

On your way to the ferry, you caught up with Adam. You couldn't stop looking at him, he got hotter since the last time you saw him, he was beautiful. You stared at him, listening to every word that came out of his mouth. Your heart was full again.

When you reached the set, everyone came to say hi to him and welcomed him back. You left him there and went to your motorhome to start working.


You were getting ready to receive your next actor when Adam entered the motorhome.

"What are you doing here?" you asked since it was not his turn yet. He locked the motorhome and looked at you.

"We have 20 minutes, lets be quick," he said, approaching you and starting kissing you.

you dropped the brushes you were holding and gave into the kiss, putting your hands on his shoulders. He picked you up and put you on your makeup table. You missed him so much that you were kissing him as if it was the first time.

"You have no idea how much I missed your body," he said, kissing your neck.

You smiled and kiss his lips again, entering your tongue on his mouth, making him moan. He ran his hands up and down your legs and reached your panties. He started making circular motions on your clitoris, and you groaned on his lips.

"Don't you ever leave for this long, ever again," you said, kissing his neck and biting his earlobe afterward.

"Next time you're coming with me," he said, unbuttoning his pants.

"Is this an invitation?" you asked, running your hands under his shirt.

"It is" he put his penis inside you "but if you don't wanna come with me, ill make you"

He started moving inside you, grabbing your legs and butt. You were moaning and grabbing him by his neck. You were moving and staring at his face, while he looked at you groaning. He started to ram you harder and grabbed your neck.

"You'll have to be fast" you moaned "Dumhnall it's about to get here," you said, looking at the clock behind him.

"As you wish" he replied. He put you down the table and turned you around, and then got inside you again. You gasp a moan and he started fucking you harder than before. He slapped you and then grabbed your breasts from under your clothes.

You were ready to cum and he started to touch your clitoris, making it hard for you to stay standing. Your legs were shaking because of all the pleasure he was giving you.

"Fuck, don't stop," you said, moaning. You cum and he came inside you, you could feel shots of cum inside you.

He grabbed your neck and turn your head to kiss you, still moving slowly in you. You took some tissues from the table and gave some to him, while he got off you.

"This is handy!" he exclaimed, cleaning his cum. "We should do this here more often," he said, making you laugh.

Someone tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Y/N? Are you there?" you recognized Dumhnall's voice.

"Yes! give me a minute" you yelled, pulling down your skirt, fixing your clothes and hair. Adam buttoned his pants and toss the tissues in the garbage. Then he went to get the door.

"Hey man!" he said to Dumhnall, with a smile on his face.

"Hey Adam," he said, giving Adam a small hug, "How was New York?"

"Pretty great, I have my movie premiere in a few weeks" Adam replied.

"That's great, I'm looking forward to watching it" Dumhnall took a seat. "Hi, Y/N," he said, smiling at you.

The two of them caught up while you did their makeup. You could feel Adam's cum wetting your panties and you put your legs together, tighten them together.

"I know you don't talk much about it" Dumhnall started talking at Adam "but wanna know if you are doing ok with your divorce"

Adam looked at his hands before responding.

"I mean, it's hard," he said. "But its better this way, we both agree that its the right thing to do. I'm gonna be fine" he smiled at him "thanks for caring"

"Please, any time," Dumhnall said.

You just stayed in silence, finishing Adam's makeup and listening to their conversation. This was going to be tough, divorces took a lot of time and you have to understand your place on Adam's life. Of course, you still didn't understand what was going to happen between you two, but you wanted to be there with him on this hard time.

You spent the rest of the day at the set, keeping yourself busy. The shooting was divided into three blocks, and block one was almost done. If things were going this well, the movie was going to be ready ahead of schedule.

You were impressed with everything. Sometimes Rian, the director, would let you take a look at the edited scenes, and the special effects were stunning. This was going to be such a good movie, you felt excited to watch the result.

Hello everybody! What are your thoughts on the story so far?
Thanks for reading. I'll post again on Monday.


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