One Is Better Than Two

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There's no way!

That's impossible!

We spent so much time together.

We even went to the lounge she worked at.

How could this be?


how? I'm confused.

How did you figure this out?"

My heart is literally hurting right now.

This kind of pain,

is unbearable.


Remember when I mentioned

how I thought Sonny looked familiar?

Yeah, well,

Rita gave me her private social media account

a few days ago,

(I still wanted to show you proof

of her not actually being my girlfriend,

because she has mentioned having a boyfriend),

and I saw a picture of her with Sonny.

I completely forgot about it,

but that's where I've seen him-

on her social media...

I'm at a loss for words right now.

What do I say to this?

Is that why he hasn't been answering my calls,

or texts?

Because of-


And she's beautiful!

She's nothing like me.

Was I just a booty call this whole time?

Or an experiment to try his charm on?

Did he put a spell on me,

to see how hard I'd fall for him?

Was it all just make believe

this whole time?

It was all a lie

this whole time.

All of the tears I've cried-

were lies

this whole time.

The feeling I have now,

is one of wanting to die...


I don't understand.

I need to think.

Can you screenshot the picture,

and send it to me-


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