Hide, And Seek

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"Hi there-

did you guys need anything?" he asks us.


I just wanted to introduce myself to you.

I'm Sonny-

Luna's boyfriend.

I saw your picture with her on instagram,

and just wanted to say hello."

Is he trying to intimidate Noah or something?



she definitely talked so highly of you!" he says.


it's so nice to officially meet!

And it's nice seeing you again,


He's pretty good at masking his emotions.

"Heyyy Noah!

Nice to see you again as well.

It's packed here tonight!"

I say to him,

trying to make small talk.

I don't want to give anything away.

"It definitely is.

It's never been this busy

on a Sunday!"

"I know right? Wow!

Well, nice seeing you again!"

"Yeah! You too!" he says to me.

As Noah starts to walk away,

Sonny decides to test the waters

one more time.

I don't think he trusts me.

"Hey hey,

do you think I can get another beer?

This will be my last one

for tonight."

Noah then turns back around

to grab Sonny another beer.

"Yep! I gotchu bro!" he says to Sonny.

I'm not sure what Sonny is trying to prove,

but it's not going to work.

"Here's your beer bro."

"Thank you my man! Have a good one!" Sonny shouts.

Noah then smiles at us both,

and goes back to his side of the bar.

"Is that going to be your last beer?" I ask him. "You

can't drink anymore."

He has to drive me back home,

and I seriously don't want to get into

a car accident.


it's just two beers.

This is nothing- I got this.

I'm not going to drink anymore," he tells me.

"Good to know."

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