The Chase

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I really don't want to come off as desperate,

but I've been wanting to speak to him

more than anything.

This would be the perfect chance to,

but it seems like he may not even want to talk.

But before he gets too far away,

I call out his name,

"Hey, Sonny-


and shockingly,

he hears me.

I wasn't expecting it to be so loud.

He then turns around,

and stands in his place

like he's waiting for me to approach him.

I can already tell he likes to be chased.

I walk up to him,

and then he says,

"It's nice seeing you again,


You stand out from the crowd.

Such a beauty you are."

He thinks I'm:


Not just pretty,

but beautiful.


thank you.

I don't know what to say,

but it really means a lot coming from you.

I mean,

you're the most beautiful man

I have ever seen in my life."

Did I really just say that?


Well, thank you for the kind words,


I don't think anyone has ever called me

beautiful before-

so this is a first!" he smiles.

I'm making a total fool out of myself.

'the most beautiful man'-




I'm just surprised you remember me.

I mean,

I know we were just in your store yesterday,

but I'm not really 'remember-able.'

In fact,

I'm easily forgettable."

Which is true.

I never stand out-

except for tonight that is.

"Are you serious?

Don't say those things about yourself,

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