Two Is Better Than One?

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Fiona is coming over in a few,

and I have yet to figure out what

I want to wear tonight at the lounge.

One part of me wants to wear something,

very formal, casual- sophisticated.

Another part of me wants to wear

sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a hat.

I sort of want to make a better impression,

since the last time I was there-

I literally fell out of a chair.


Noah keeps creeping into my mind;

he was just so kind,

and sweet to me after that embarrassing moment.

And instead of laughing at me-

he helped me.

He stayed with me until I woke up.

So yes,
I keep thinking about him now,

but not purposely or impulsively.

More like:


I think I'm going to go with the more sophisticated look.

I actually...

want to impress Noah.

Fiona is going to be here any minute now,

and thankfully I already took a shower.

Now I just have to put together a really cute outfit.


Must be a text from Fiona.

I walk over to my nightstand

to see where the text came from.

To my surprise-

it's Sonny.

Hey Luna girl,

whattaya up to?

Should I tell him where I'm going?

Ehh... then may want to come too,

and that'd just be awkward.

I'll just tell him Fiona and I

are having a slumber party or something.

"Hey Sonny!

I'm just setting up my room for tonight.

Fiona and I are having a slumber party lol.

We finally made up.



Oh that's dope!

I wish I could join you.

I was going to ask if you wanted to take

a stroll in the park with me,

The Moon And The SunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz