1. Look Up

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"Look up.

Look up to the sky.

And when you do this,

you'll remember who you are.

And then you'll always feel better.

You'll feel at home.

You'll always feel like you belong here-

because you do."

That's what he would always tell me.

So whenever I was feeling down:

I'd look up to the sky.

When I didn't feel like I belonged:

I'd look up to the sky.

When my thoughts would consume my every day life:

I'd look up to the sky.

And I instantly felt better.

I miss him: my dad.

He was out of this world.

The way he would talk;

his unique ways of expressing himself,

his talents, and his gifts-

he could literally do anything,

and everything.

He wasn't from here;

this planet,

this earth,

this universe.

So when he passed away

last year, from heart failure:

he went back to where he came from,

because he missed

wherever that was.

I haven't been the same since.

I've been putting my life on hold.

I stopped writing like I used to.

I stopped singing as well,

because he and I would always

sing together.

So now,


and every song

gives me pain.

My mother keeps trying to tell me,

to live.

"Your father wouldn't want you

to give up what you love,"

she would say.

But I could never get the strength

to do what I love anymore.

I'd rather continue spending my days,



and unbothered.

She really did not understand

the bond we had.

He was not just my father-

but my best friend.

When he died,

The Moon And The SunWhere stories live. Discover now