Chapter 22 An Unexpected Meeting

Start from the beginning

The man took Selene from Emmett, “Move,” The man ordered.

Emmett numbly moved out of the way. Poseidon looked down at his daughter, “She has a lot of venom in her body. The sea can't purge it. But the waters of Atlantis can.”

“Atlantis, are you serious?”

Poseidon ignored Emmett and walked back to shore. He laid Selene down and took off her necklace. Poseidon opened Selene's mouth then carefully let one drop fall into her mouth, Selene automatically swallowed and sighed.

“Can't you give her anymore?”

“One drop is good enough for a demigod. She would need to be much more injured to need more,” Poseidon said without taking his eyes off his daughter.

Emmett stared between the man and Selene and started putting two and two together, “You're Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Selene's your daughter.”

Poseidon didn't take his eyes off of Selene, “Yes.”

Emmett sat there, gaping at Poseidon. He couldn't believe he was in the presence of a god. Suddenly, Selene's eyes snapped open, and she gasped. She looked into the familiar sea-green eyes of her father. Her eyes started to water, “Daddy.”

Poseidon gathered his only daughter into his arms, “It's alright, little starfish, you're okay now. The waters of Atlantis healed you completely.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” Selene said as she sniffled into his shoulder, “Where's Emmett?”

“He's right here, Sweetheart.”

Selene looked up from Poseidon's shoulder and saw Emmett. He had the most relaxed look on his face, “Oh, Emmett.”

Poseidon let go of his daughter and moved back a bit so that Emmett could get closer to Selene. The minute Poseidon moved away, Emmett lunged for Selene, “Oh, Baby, I was so worried about you. I thought I lost you. You had me so worried, Leah said that the venom wouldn't have turned you it would have killed you.” Emmett mumbled into Selene's hair.

“No, demigods can't be turned, the venom will poison them slowly if not treated in time,” Poseidon informed Emmett.

“Is she going to be okay now,” Emmett asked.

“Yes, fortunately, if a demigod is bitten and they survive, they become immune to the venom. Selene only needs to rest for a while. I'll take her back to Atlantis with me where she can be cared for properly.”

“I can take care of her,” Emmett offered.

“Like you took care of her against your wife? Forgive me if I don't trust the life of my only daughter to you.”

“Daddy, Emmett was watching-”

“Yes, I know, little starfish, he was watching a pathetic mortal instead of his mate. Yes, he has his priorities in the correct place.”

“I can take of myself, Dad, and you know this. I've come closer to death before than this.”

Emmett gasped. Father and daughter ignored him, “Yes, you have, but never to the point where you couldn't find help.”

“I did get help, Emmett brought me to you.”

“Thanks to Leah.”

“He didn't know! But Emmett did do exactly what Leah said to do. Please, Daddy, let me go home with Emmett.”

Poseidon looked down at the sea-green eyes that were pleading with him. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, “Fine, but I will be coming to check on you, and if any one of those creatures gets out of line, I'll bring that matchbox of a house down on them and set it on fire.”

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