Kazakhstan x Mexico

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No one pov

Mexico beat his wings weakly. He's been flying for days now, and he hadn't slept in God knows how long. He had to get away from America. That man had taken it too far.

Mexico dozed off for a minute, falling for only a second before waking up and snapping his wings open. He lifted into the air. Then he fell again. Only this time, he didn't wake up.

Kazakhstan's pov

I jumped at the sound of something landing on top of my apartment room. I lived on the top floor, so it was especially loud.

I ran up the stairwell to the roof and there I saw... Mexico?

The small man was asleep, and a small puddle of blood was forming around his head. I ran up to him and pulled out my phone. I looked around myself and saw a rag that was fairly clean. I grabbed it and pressed it against Mexico's head, lifting his head onto my lap. 911 picked up fast and I told them what I knew, and they said they would be right there. They arrived surprisingly fast. To help them, I gently picked Mexico up bridal style and jumped of the building, spreading my wings to lighten the fall.

And then we were off to the hospital.

Mexico's pov

I woke up in a blinding white room. Doctors surrounded me, and a joyful wave of 'he's awake' filled the room.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, ok?" a young female doctor spoke gently beside me.

I squinted at her, "Poland?"   (just this one time she's a girl, ok?)

"Your memory is pretty good." she laughed, "But I'm still going to need you to answer some questions."

I nodded, and answered every question she asked me.

She smiled before leaving the room, talking to what sounded like a man. All I picked up from the conversation was 'He is lucky to still have such vivid memories.'

Next thing I knew, Kazakhstan was by my side.

"What happened?" he asked me.

I looked away from him, "I've had enough questions for one day."

He laughed, "Ok then!"

The room fell silent.

"The doctors say you can leave today, due to your strong memory." Kaz said.

"I ... um..."

"You can stay at my place." he smiled at me.

"Oh, ok."

And so that's what happened.


Kaz's house wasn't what I expected it to be. Well... I mean, I don't know what I expected, but definitely not this.

He had a small apartment room, the kitchen to the side of the front door, a bedroom and and bathroom down a short hall, and a living room at the end of the building by a window, giving off a not-so-beautiful view. That's what I assumed, at least, as the curtains were pulled over the window.

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