Canada x America

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Requested by  ariiastaars

In this little au, Canada and America are not brothers.

Canada pov

Ame and I were walking through our favourite park, the trees frosted over as it was the middle of winter.

Me and Ame have been friends for who knows how long. Forever, you could say. In fact, we were so close, people often thought we were brothers. That would always make us laugh, we were nothing alike, looks and all!

"Yoohoo, Nada." Ame whistled, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Eh?" I looked at him, tilting my head to the side.

He laughed, "Dude, I've never seen you so zoned out in my life."

"Oh, shut up." I growled, nudging him playfully.

"Whatever you say, tall guy."

I laughed at that.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Ame looked up after a moment of silence.

I looked down at him and smiled, "Sure!"

Ame pov

I brought Nada up the hill that was at the far end of the park. Half way up I covered his eyes.

"Ame, what are you doing?" Nada laughed, leaning back and trying to free himself.

"Saving the surprise." I smiled.

Canada just went with it, and i guided him to the top of the hill. I had trusted him to keep his eyes close, and I think he did.

"Ok, sit down." excitement lined my voice.

Nada sat down.

"Ok, now open your eyes."

No one pov

Canada gasped at the sight. The sunset was just so beautiful.

America smiled at his best friend's expression.

Suddenly, the 50 state country felt something squeeze his hand. He looked down and saw a red and white hand that belonged to the man sitting next to him. Ame just stared at it.

"I love you Ame." Canada said, blushing.

America looked away and place a hand over his eyes, however not moving the hand Canada held.

"O my gosh, Ame are you ok? I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sor-"

Suddenly Ame leaned forward and tilted his head up, pressing his lips up against Canada's.

Ame pulled away and whispered, "Don't be. It's just that... I wanted to tell you first."

Canada laughed and brought the two into another passionate kiss.


North and South Korea had gone on a date in the same park. As they walked by the hill, they saw Canada and America kissing. South fumbled with his phone and took a video.

After his date with North, he ran back home and booked it to his sister's, Japan's, room.

"Oh, hello, South!" She smiled, her tail swaying peacefully.

"I have - something - to show- show you." South said between breaths, pulling out his phone.

He showed Japan the video and she shrieked.

"Is everything alright in there?" their mother, Japanese Empire, called from the kitchen.

"Ya!" both of the sibling hollered back, smiling devilishly.

This would be fun.

just an FYI in my little countryhumans world (though i can change it for your request if you want me too) North Korea and China are brothers and South Korea and Japan are brother and sister, And people often assume, just by name, that North and South are related and they find it weird that they're dating until they get the explination.


if i don't get any requests, imma just start writing bout my otps and stuff but requests are always open

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