Russia x America

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Requested by @FishingBlue_krl

kind of... they wanted america so HERE WE GO!

Russia never wanted a boyfriend. Great heavens he didn't want a girlfriend! He had planned out his life so that he would be alone.

So that he would never be hurt again.

America on the other hand had gone through a life where no one but his brothers and mother loved him and just wants to feel love. From anyone.

So let us begin our story.

Russia pov

The bar was full, as it always was on Fridays. Not that I was complaining. That meant the bar tender would have trouble remembering who ordered how much of what, and that meant I could get more then I usually did.

I walked up to the counter and asked the man for another shot of vodka, but he said they were out.


I simply smiled and made my way through the crowd to the front door. There was no way I was staying here sober.

I was almost at the door when something tugged at my arm.

"You're not staying?"

I turned around and saw America there, hand gripping tightly to my jacket.


"Why? The party hasn't even started!"

"Their out of vodka."

"Then let me drive."

I looked at the smaller country for a while, not sure what to say.

"Aren't you drunk?"

America snorted at that.

"I don't drink. If I did, God help me."


America looked down at the floor.

"My dad would kill me, or do something insanely close."

I simply nodded, showing him to my car. I tossed him the keys and he hopped into the driver's seat. The moment I sat in the car, I felt the alcohol starting to kick in, and I was actually glad that America was driving.

America pov

The drive wasn't long.

"Thanks America."

I looked up at Russia from where we stood on the driveway and smiled.

"Call me Ame."

"Oh, ok."

America felt his face go hot. GOD was Russia cute when he did that!

"Well, um, thank you Ame. But what are you going to do now?"

I smiled.

"I'll get Nada to pic me up."

"Ok. We'll goodnight."

I didn't know when I decided to do what I did next, but I would never regret it.
I stood on my tip-pie toes and grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him down.
And I kissed  him.

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