Truth or Dare pt2

Start from the beginning

Everyone was shooketh while Capricorn looked at the ashes and embers fell to the ground. Scorpio walked by him back into the house and pat his shoulder saying,"Now we're even."

Let's just say Capricorn was depressed for the rest of the night.

While everyone recovered from another shock and Pisces looked at the video she took of Scorpio looking badass with the explosion going off behind him. Gemini whispered to Aries saying,"If this keeps escalating i don't want to see what Cancer does..."

Aries nodded and said,"Aren't they usually the chill ones?" Leo butt in as they watched Cancer eating a chocolate bar and said,"Trust me, Cancer is too sweet and innocent to do anything close to that."

Sagittarius stated,"HEY, I thought that we agreed nothing crazy!?" Scorpio rebutted,"Yeah you, Leo, Aries and Gemini agreed not to but not the rest of us." Cancer announced,"Okay then extra rule NO ONE can do anything too crazy and dares have to get the go ahead from at least six of us if the person being dared does not agree to do it."

They agreed to that rule feeling that it was reasonable and needed from what just happened. Capricorn half heartedly spun the bottle which selected Cancer. Cancer sighed in relief knowing Capricorn wouldn't be too harsh. Cancer felt daring and said,"I'll take a dare, please don't be too mean."

Capricorn said,"Any suggestions?" This caused an immediate reaction from Pisces who yelled,"SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!"

Leo looked at her and raised an eyebrow to what she suggested. Cancer sweatdropped and waved his hands in front of his face,"UM no no no nope nopity nope I'm good."

Pisces asked the rest,"Who agrees that its a reasonable dare?" Almost everyone raised their hands save Leo and Cancer. Pisces proudly declared,"Okay Cancer I pair you up with....hmmm, Leo!"

Leo was confused and looked at Cancer who seemed relieved, almost happy. What was Pisces planning? "BUT!" And there it was,"You two have to go into the small closet over there."

Leo wanted to reason,"What why was i dragged into this i wasn't-" Cancer held her wrist and gently pulled her towards the nearby closet. Leo was trying to wriggle out while kicking but Cancer had a surprisingly firm yet gentle grip, she just accepted it and let her be guided to the closet.

Pisces slammed the closet door close behind them which she put a padlock on. The rest were all imagining what they would be doing in there.

In the closet, Cancer had leaned against a corner to make as much space for Leo to move. Leo was against the opposite corner and seemed unusually awkward.

"Wow, never thought I would see the day the proud Leo would be so shy." Cancer teased.

Leo tried to counter,"Says the guy who I had to drag by the ear for you to come out of your house so that you would meet new people." "I was just lazy."

They both laughed and Cancer started a legitimate conversation,"Um so you and Libra eh?" "What about us?" "You two seem close, anything special going on?" "Haha, I don't know actually, he seems nice and he is hella cute."

Cancer smiled and asked,"Hm, that's nice I don't have to take care of you if your with Libra." "Aww, don't be jealous no matter who I end up with your still my best friend!" "Yeah, friends."

Leo heard something in his voice, he almost sounded like when she first met him. She decided to touch on a topic that she was curious about,"So, enough about me how about you and Taurus." "There's nothing between us, we're just friends."

Leo heard it again, maybe he had feelings for a certain bull sign. Leo smiled and started formulating a plan, hoping to get Pisces in on it. But she wanted to make sure she was right so she would have to scare it out of him.

Leo started closing the space between them which gained Cancer's attention. Cancer said,"Um Leo what are you doi-"

Leo slammed both her hands into the wall trapping cancer in that area. Cancer froze up and was trying to analyze whether there was an escape route. Leo got up in his face, close enough fro cancer to feel her breath which both scared him and concerned him about Leo's toothpaste flavor.

Leo asked slowly,"Do. You. Like. Taurus?" Cancer thought for a moment and opened his mouth to answer but not before the door opened to Pisces saying,"Times up love know what let's give you guys some more time."

The pair could see the other zodiacs all looking at them in this very weird position with Leo having her hands on both sides of Cancer's head and seemingly going in for a kiss.

Leo instantly releases Cancer and waved her hands rapidly trying to defend herself,"Wait I can explain!" "Leo was being dumb and was trying to get information out of me." Cancer added.

Virgo calmly asked,"You sure she was trying to get just information from you?" The rest laughed and Leo was a hot mess while Cancer also started to giggle. Leo hit his arm lightly trying to get him to help her explain but she herself ended up laughing.

The night was filled with laughter and happiness as they continued to dare each other and ask embarrassing questions. Soon they all went to sleep with some ending up sleeping on the floor and couch if the living room.

Outside in a nearby forest was a boy with yellow eyes holding a wounded girl. He was looking for a place to treat her wounds since he just did not have the supplies on him at the moment to treat them properly. He had been walking for half an hour hoping that the girl would still be okay.

He suddenly saw a huge smoke cloud billow out from an area nearby them. He was slightly hesitant but a voice in his head said, I felt the presence of a large group of people there, they can help. He said to himself,"You better as hell be right." started his trek there looking at the unconcious girl on his back saying,"Don't worry, I may not know you but, I feel like you may have answers. Like hell am I gonna let someone die anyways."

A/N:Hey guys its Kyu. So i wanted some characters other than the zodiacs to be in the story so yeah deal with it. Anyways try and guess who they are blah blah blah I'm probably gonna do another chapter in 3 days time so yeah. It's the holidays for us right now so i have nothing better to do and i do want to build on this story more since I'm bored. So till next time, stay happy and seeya, Buh BYE!

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