He let out a hollow laugh, his lips moulding into a wry smile.
"I'm not sure if I even get the time to do that all day. Most of the times it's just eat, sleep, rehearse, repeat. Sometimes there's not enough sleep too.
So whatever little time we get, I choose to be humble and respect their dry sense of humour."

Even though I already had an idea of what their lives might have been like, hearing it from him itself sounded worse then what I had imagined.

Of course, fame and people's love doesn't come easy. And for someone as passionate as these seven boys who have been through a lot to get where they are, it just gets more difficult.

But for now, he had to stay away from any kind of thoughts that would affect him in a negative way. Only then would he be able to reincorporate some more positivity into himself.

And here he was, trying to lighten up his own mood for the sake of the people around him who worried so much about him so that he could show them that he was okay.

How could someone not admire him?

"You're scary when you're sad or serious, you know that?"

Unknowingly, those words slipped out of my mouth. Words which I wasn't even aware I'd been thinking off.

He chuckled. "I've heard that from the guys. That's why it's a side of me that I tend to hide. ARMYs have always known me as a jolly person who likes to make silly jokes and amke everyone laugh through hard times. They would never like to see me this way.
That's why I always want to be perfect on stage. But that's hard.

And it's not like I'm pretending to hide my difficulties. All of us have them. But trying to find other reasons to be happy and not worry our fans is the best we can do."

I was surprised at how easily he had started to talk about himself now. And I couldn't help but wonder if he had ever opened up this quickly to any of the other members before. But I couldn't try to comfort him this time, because that was not what he needed. He was just letting out whatever he felt, and I could at least let him do that without any interruption on my part.

Soon, there was a lazy smile on his face. "We guys are great, aren't we?"

As much as I would've like to tell him off for his self-obsessive jokes, I had begun to understand that it was his coping mechanism to steer his attention away from things that upset him or were hard for him.

Instead, I smiled back at him.

"Yeah. You guys are really, really great. And I mean it."

He straightened up again with a proud look on his face.
"Now that's what I need to hear! Motivating compliments like those really help, you know?"

I rolled my eyes.

"You mean flattery? Yeah sure."

He dismissed my comment with a wave of his hand. "Whatever you call it.

But wait! We seem to have deviated from the original topic here?"

Oh heck no.

I cleared my throat, trying to act cool.
"What was that again?"

"You were feeling... uneasy? But I guess you're not feeling that way now, huh. At least I can not sense it."

I mentally sighed in relief.
He was one of those people who would push your buttons until you give a satisfactory answer to their question. And here, I didn't have a proper answer to give him, so that was only going to increase his curiosity.

If only I knew how to change the topic again.

He sat for a minute with his eyes narrowed at nothing in particular as if he was in deep thought about something. And then his eyes widened as he turned to look at me.

"You know what I need to heighten my senses?"

"You seem to have fully recovered by now." I murmured, raising an eyebrow at how excited he was getting.

He shook his head.
"I'm never fully recovered until I get food.

Time to call the restaurant!"


Aknsndjejdnf guys I'm back with an update woohoo!

I had a solid writer's block AGAIN but I can say I'm probably back to writing for now.

I'll try to be more frequent with updates, though. 😅

Ooh, and I thought about the whole name changing things, and I guess it will be better for me AND for you if I just replace "Y/N" with a real name wherever it appears in the story and keep it in third person instead of editing the whole thing. 😐


Thank you so much for all the love and support guys. I love reading your comments (and even those interactions y'all have with each other hehe 😏).

I'm not a good writer, at least nothing compared to the other amazing writers out there, but I'm trying hard to get better and this and I hope I will because I love my readers so much uwu 😊💞💞💞

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