Chapter 6

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[TIMESKIP: 5 Months]

A few months had passed, you now starting to show your pregnant stomach.
Dylan still trying to get you to submit.


Walking down the stairs towards the kitchen you find the guys all sitting having a discussion. Jin washing some dishes, which was fine until you caught on to what they were talking about. You decided to hid behind the wall and listen in.

"Don't you guys think Y/n's being a bit stubborn" Namjoon blurts out.

"How do you mean?" Jimin asks back

"Well, think about it, she should've accepted him as her new alpha and mate"

You were taken back by his words

"Joonie, it's not that easy, she loved Jungkook a lot" your brother (Jin) responded

The talk continues until you can't sit back any longer. Making yourself shown, the conversation stops.

"Oh. Hey Luna Y/n" Namjoon speaks

You just stare, and stare hard.

"How can you...." you start off

He looks puzzled

"How can I what?"

"How can you sit there and act like you went just talking about me behind my back. Jungkooks-

You got cut off By someone coughing

"Jungkooks what my dear, dear y/n?" The voice said while kissing your neck. Making you sigh in disgust.

Dylan was back...

You stand and watch as they all got up and bowed to him

"Alpha" they all say

You were astounded to say the least.

"Y-your all really gonna show respect to him!! What about Jungkook!!?" You force out.

Dylan just stands with a smirk on his face. Oh how you'd like to wipe it right of his stupid face.

"Y/n. Jungkook is dead." Jin starts off getting interrupted by Namjoon.

"Dylan is our new alpha, that is the law, you should start showing respect to him and start loving him. He is your mate now, surely it can't be that hard to accept him..?"  He spoke

You look towards the others.

"And you all feel the same?" You ask

Taking the silence as a yes, you felt hurt and lied to.

"I- I thought I could trust you all" you push past them walking out the back door.

"Should someone go get her Alpha?"

Dylan shakes his head

"Nah, she'll come back, just let her cool off"


Padding through the forest as your wolf not really taking note of your surroundings, your mind was flooded with thoughts.

'𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝗺?'

'How could they'

Your thoughts where cut short by low growls in the distance.

Looking around you spy the two beaded eyes watching you as it slowly comes out from the shadows.

You growl lowly to it as a warning, you want nothing more than to protect this child, your child inside you.

Lunging towards you you try your best to protect your stomach as you fight this rouge.

Until a much larger wolf jumps out from the bushes. Protecting you. As the wolf that came to protect you scared off the rouge.

Your wolf gets dizzy and falls towards the ground not before you catch a glimpse of the persons legs, face all blurry.

You could've sworn that- no. It wasn't.


Opening your eyes, head pounding. You find your self being carried in someone's arms.

Vision still a little blurry, you blink trying to get your vision back.

The person comes into focus. Your shocked.

"T-Taehyung? W-what?"

He looks down on you

"Shhh. It's alright I'm taking you home."

Opon reaching home, he places you down walking way not before you catch Wiff of a familiar scent.

"T-Taehyung! Wait! That scent!! W-where did you get it from"

You watch as his eyes widen a little as he panics.

"W-what scent.. I don't know what your talking about...." then he runs into his bedroom locking the door.


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