Chapter 2

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(Two years later)

"Okay come on Eunwoo, son you can do it, just focus your mind" Jungkook tells him

Eunwoo closes his eyes. Focusing his mind and slow but surely infront of his dad he becomes the small wolf

Jungkook grins ear to ear

"You did it Eunwoo! Daddy's so proud of you! Well done my big boy!" He praises his only son

Eunwoo shifts back.

"Can I go play with the other pups?" He asks sweetly to his dad

Jungkook nods, watches his son run off, then turns to walk back to his mate who should be under the covers in their large warm bed waiting for-

And you were sitting at the kitchen table stuffing your face.

"Babe~" he wines.

You laugh

"Sorry kook~ But I was hungry, I couldn't help it"  you wrap your arms around him. Taking in his scent as he laughs too

And then he pulls you into the living space onto the couch as you both get lost in conversation.


You ended up falling asleep in Jungkooks arms as he hugs you, talking.

"And that's when-

He looks at your sleeping form and smiles, gently placing your head on the cushion looking at the time:
6:37PM it's late.

He looks at you again before walking to the window looking out seeing no sign of Eunwoo.

Panic sets in inside him, you being able to feel his emotions wake up knowing something up.

"Kook, what's wrong?"

"Baby... I don't want to worry you but I can't see Eunwoo outside..." he answers eyes stuck looking out the window.

You both rush looking through the whole pack house. No where to be found. Meaning he's still outside...

Stress along with more panic sets in on you.

"Okay. Y/n stay here with the rest, I'll find him" he kisses your cheek before exiting through the back door...

Half an hour passes
That half hour runs to an Hour which runs to an hour and a half.

"No, Jin something's not right I can feel it. We need to go help him" you stand up. You look at him with pure worry.

He nods



I yell desperately trying to find my little boy.


Is what I heard in the distance.

I shift and run as fast as I can, dodging trees and bushes and all sorts before my son comes into view.

As I walk closer I slow almost to a stop,


A strange yet familiar scent fills my nose.

Then it hits me, eyes widening I grab Eunwoo by the scruff of his neck and slowly walk my way backwards.

Howls in the distance is what makes me realise I'm out of time, there is no way we'd make it back into our territory in time, thinking fast, I spot a gap in the bottom of an old oak tree, I place Eunwoo inside

I tell him as he tries to come out, my eyes telling him to stay.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Alpha Jeon Jungkook, to what do we owe the pleasure" the familiar, annoying voice rings in my ears.

"Dylan" I look up at him. clear annoyance in my voice.

"A bit to close to our border ey Jungkook?"

"I was just about to be on my way"

"Hmm really? Well while you're here, where's your mate? Haven't seen her since we all graduated school"

"She's none of your concern" my anger rises

"Oh... I have to admit I did take quite a fancy towards her, I can ever so slightly smell her scent off you. I missed it" He speaks, getting under my skin.

A low growl comes out my mouth

"You know, if I knew how strong you were, I'd challenge you for her... but I'm not going to" he states

That makes me snap. I lunge for him, as he lunges for me.

We break out into a intense fight.

Growling, jaw snapping, jugular biting, biting tails and legs you name it, both of us trying to assert our dominance.

Both of us bleeding and weak, gashes and bullet like wounds, we stare each other down


My head turns towards the sound of my son and mate, and in that split second I knew I shouldn't have took my eye of Dylan for a second

The next thing I knew... I had blacked out in so much pain.

"You should never take your eyes off your opponent Jungkook... you lost"


A/N: hey everyone sorry this chapter took so long... I've been really busy with school work and exams, I know I say this all the time, I really do try to update whenever I can, Also this chapter gave me such writers block, but I should update a lot more often now, as school has been cancelled due to the new Covid-19 situation, which I hope everyone is being safe and healthy, remember to wash your hands often! I don't want anyone getting sick!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment and vote! I'll see you all in the next chapter!


( ˘ ³˘)♥

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