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Clarke woke up with Lexa sleeping on her shoulder while they held on to each other

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Clarke woke up with Lexa sleeping on her shoulder while they held on to each other. It brought a smile on her face when she saw the peaceful look on Lexa’s face. Lexa’s arms tightly around Clarke’s waste, not planning on letting the girl escape. It made Clarke wonder if the brunette was even asleep with how tight she could hold her while sleeping. Clarke placed a kiss on Lexa’s forehead to check if she was sleeping or not. Lexa shifted a bit and snuggled her face more in the crook of Clarke’s neck and Clarke chuckled. “Good morning sleepy head.” She whispered softly while she let her fingers brush through Lexa’s hair. She could feel Lexa’s lips placing a kiss on her bare shoulder. “Good morning.” Lexa said back with sleepy voice and Clarke found it the cutest thing ever. Lexa looked up when Clarke stayed quiet only to see the blonde staring at her with a smile. “What are you looking at?” Lexa asked with small smile too. “My girlfriend.” Clarke said and they looked at each other for a second before they leaned in and kissed. A fire kindled as their lips moulded as one. They made out for a while until the sound of Clarke’s stomach grunting, as sign that it needed food. Lexa pulled away with a smile and she started to laugh when she saw Clarke’s flushed cheeks. “You’re so cute, I swear.” Lexa said while she took Clarke’s face between her hands and placed kisses all over her face. “Now let’s get the baby some food.” Lexa said and she got up from the bed but stopped when she noticed Clarke didn’t follow her. She looked back at Clarke who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. “Baby?” Clarke asked. “Me. I’m the baby.” Lexa said while she pointed at herself and Clarke had to laugh. “You’re such a dork.” She said while got up from the bed and opened the door of her bedroom. They went back to Clarke’s house last night so if Raven needed her, she was available. Clarke started to waddle and Lexa looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “My legs are sore okay. I ran to you and I never run.” Clarke said and Lexa had to scoff. “Lady, your car litterly stood on top of the mountain.” 
“Until I couldn’t drive anymore and I had to run to you.” Clarke said and Lexa had to laugh. “Where is Raven?” Lexa asked while she followed Clarke into the kitchen. “You won’t see her before lunch. She sleeps a lot because she games at night.” Clarke said while she started to make some eggs. Lexa slipped her arms around Clarke’s waist and hugged her from behind, looking over the blonde’s shoulders at the eggs. “Can I do something for my girlfriend?” Lexa asked and Clarke turned around in Lexa’s arms to face her with a grin. “I love it when you call me that.” Clarke said and Lexa chuckled. “I love to call you it.” Lexa said before she leaned in to steal a quick kiss. “You can set the table.” Clarke said and Lexa did. 

“Come here

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“Come here.” Lexa said when she saw Clarke waggling again and she picked her up in bridal style. “I’m going to take care of you since it’s kinda my fault you have sore muscles now.” Lexa said and she carried Lexa to the bedroom again. “Take your pants off.” Lexa said after she laid the blonde on the bed and Clarke’s mouth fell open. “Okay no that sounded wrong! I mean take them off so I can massage your legs.” Lexa corrected herself and Clarke did.  “Do you have some kind of massage oil laying here?” Lexa asked. “Top drawer in the bathroom.” Clarke said and Lexa went to get it. “Okay make yourself comfortable while I do all the work.” Lexa said while she sat down on her knees between Clarke’s legs. Lexa heated the oil up first by rubbing it fast between her hands before she rubbed it on Clarke’s legs. Lexa softly kneaded Clarke’s muscles and Clarke hummed. Lexa shortly smiled at the blonde before she continued. Lexa started at the bottom of her legs but the more she got up, the more Clarke had to contain herself of making sounds. But when Lexa’s hands kneaded Clarke’s inner thigh she couldn’t help a moan escaping her mouth. Hearing that sound had awaken something in Lexa and she looked at the blonde who looked back at her with dark eyes. Lexa slowly leaned over Clarke and leaned in while she never left Clarke’s eyes. She came closer and closer but slow so if she saw any change in Clarke’s eyes, she would stop. But it didn’t change so Lexa leaned fully in and let her lips brush over Clarke’s. Lexa sucked on Clarke’s bottom lip before she slid over it with her tongue. Clarke opened her mouth to give Lexa acces and Lexa sat up a bit more. She leaned on her arm while laying half on top of Clarke while she let her tongue slid into Clarke’s mouth. Lexa moved her hand to Clarke’s neck so she could pull her lover even closer and deepen the kiss while their tongues danced in their mouths. When Clarke pulled away to give her lungs some air, Lexa moved her lips to Clarke’s neck instead. Clarke’s breathing started to become heavy as she felt Lexa sucking her neck. Lexa noticed Clarke’s breathe had quickened and pulled back to look her in the eyes. “I’ve never… I don’t know how.” Clarke stuttered, her nervosity taking over. “Do you want me to stop?” Lexa asked and Clarke gulped before shaking her head no. “Can you… Can you show me?” Clarke asked and Lexa nodded before she kissed Clarke again. . 

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