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After Clarke had dropped Lexa off at her home, she drove back to Octavia’s house

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After Clarke had dropped Lexa off at her home, she drove back to Octavia’s house. She needed to talk to Raven and she hoped her friend would still be there. As she drove on the driveway she still saw Raven’s car standing there and Clarke let out a sigh of relief and stepped out of the car. Octavia opened the door for her to let her in. “Well well well look who’s here.” Octavia said with a smug grin and Clarke narrowed her eyes at her friend. “I still need to talk to Raven.” 
“I thought you forget about that since you were hanging out with your new friend.”
“What do you mean with that?” Clarke asked while she crossed her arms over her body. Octavia could see by her body language, Clarke was serious. “That you and Lexa suddenly get along really well.” Octavia simply said. “Are you jealous of that?” Clarke asked and Octavia scowled at Clarke’s words. “No..-” Octavia started but she even couldn’t finish her sentence because Clarke interrupted her already. “Because if it’s like that, you don’t have to be. Lexa and I just get along, I’m not stealing her from you and you’re not losing me either.” Clarke said and Octavia was taking back by her words. She didn’t know Clarke had thought this. “Clarke, of course I’m not jealous.” Octavia said softly. “Then why are you acting so weird?!” Clarke asked with desperate voice. “Ever since the party you’ve been acting different towards me. If it’s not Lexa, is it Lincoln then?” Clarke asked and Octavia didn’t know what to say. The image of seeing Clarke and Lexa in the bed together showed in her head but she couldn’t tell anything about that. She wanted Clarke to tell her herself if anything happened there. But now she realised she had been acting different towards Clarke because of it. She had been secretly pushing her to tell things and felt guilty about it. “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. I don’t know what happened there.” Octavia said and Clarke could see her friend really regretted it. “Just don’t do it again.” Clarke said and she pulled Octavia in a tight hug. “Can I join?” Raven said from behind them, her body wrapped up into a blanket. Clarke opened her eyes for Raven to walk in them. 

“I’m sorry I overreacted that much earlier

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“I’m sorry I overreacted that much earlier.” Clarke said and Raven buried her face into Clarke’s neck. “It’s okay. You were right.” Raven said and Octavia hugged her two friends. “Let’s have a game night. It’s been a long time.” Octavia said and both girls agreed. 


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