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After the call, Lexa ran back home and Costia was still there. She was in the kitchen making some breakfast and it gave Lexa a weird feeling to see her back there. It reminded her of back in the days when they had their relationship without any more problems than normal. “There you are! I started to think you lost your way home or something.” Costia said with a big smile and she walked from behind the kitchen counter. She approached Lexa and cupped the brunette her face in her hands, wiping the drops of sweat around Lexa’s mouth away with her thumbs and kissing her after. The kiss was soft and when Costia pulled back, Lexa could still feel her lips tingling. “You didn’t sleep all night so I thought you could use a good breakfast and some coffee.” Costia said and she walked back to the kitchen to pour Lexa a cup of coffee and handed it over to her. “Here you go.” She said with a big smile and Lexa took a sip of the cup. “Oh wow I missed your coffee.” Lexa moaned at the taste and Costia had to chuckle. “Sit around the table and enjoy the rest of the breakfast I made you.” Costia said and Lexa did.  

“Are you tired?” Costia asked when she noticed Lexa was quiet and the brunette looked up at her

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“Are you tired?” Costia asked when she noticed Lexa was quiet and the brunette looked up at her. “A bit yeah.” Lexa said and she plastered a short smile on her face to not let Costia worry. “We could watch a movie today. Just a lazy day on the couch or in the bed so you can sleep when you want.” Costia suggested and Lexa nodded. “Sounds lovely. I just need to take a shower after this breakfast.” Lexa said and she continued to eat. “Where is the necklace I gave you?” Costia asked suddenly and Lexa choked on some bread. “I’m sorry, what?” Lexa asked again while she thought of how she’s going to explain that. “The necklace. Where is it? You wore it everywhere when we were still together.” Costia said and Lexa stuttered while answering, “Well uhm I lost it.” Lexa said and Costia quirked an eyebrow. “Okay maybe I lost it on purpose.” Lexa confessed and Costia looked sad at her plate. “I was mad and upset so Clarke suggested to throw it in the sea.” Lexa explained and Costia looked up again when she heard the name. “Clarke? Is that the singer?” Costia asked and Lexa could notice Costia was tensed. Was she jealous? “Yeah of Arkadia.” 
“The blonde.” Costia said and Lexa confirmed with a nod. “She’s a good looking girl. Nice voice.” Costia said and Lexa was getting nervous by Costia’s stiff behaviour suddenly. Lexa didn’t want to make it worse so she just nodded. She had the feeling that anything she would say, would trigger something in Costia. “Do you still talk to her now you’re back in Los Angeles and she’s still in Sydney?” Costia asked and Lexa was surprised Costia knew all of this information. “We text sometimes but it’s rather quiet now.” Lexa said and Costia nodded while she took a sip of her coffee. Lexa could see she was in deep thoughts but didn’t ask about it. Instead she had the feeling to lighten up the mood again and talk about something else. “Thank you for making this breakfast. It’s really good.” Lexa said with a kind smile and it seemed to work because Costia smiled back at her. “I’m going to shower now first so we can watch a movie together later.” Lexa said and she shortly pinched Costia’s hand before getting up and getting in the shower. Lexa wasn’t long in the shower yet or she could feel arms around her waist already and a naked body pressed against her bare back. They stood there for a moment, Costia leaning her head against the back of Lexa’s neck while Lexa leaned her head back so it rested against Costia’s. After a while Lexa turned around and looked into Costia’s eyes. “I love you.” Costia said and Lexa took the back of her neck to pull her into a kiss, silencing her and herself so she hadn’t have to say those  words. She felt love for Costia but saying those words to her in this moment didn’t feel right. Instead she picked Costia up so her legs closed around her waist while Lexa pinned her against the cold showerwall. The cold feeling made Costia gasp but not for long because Lexa took her breath away by kissing her. 

~The morning after the Bellarke kiss~
Octavia came down the stairs for breakfast and she saw everyone around the table except for Clarke and Bellamy. She could see how they were discussing something and Octavia could guess what it was about. “If anyone dares to say anything about that photo to them or near them I will post an embarrassing photo of you on my Instagram that will be seen by thousands of people. You know I have those.” Octavia said while she looked at each single one of them. “Why?” Luna asked. “No questions. Just believe me it’s the best thing to do. The only thing I can tell you is that they aren’t a thing or there is nothing romantically going on between them. It was a moment of weakness and they let them get carried away. It’s already awkward enough that there is a photo of that so let’s try to ignore it in their presence.”
“You don’t have an embarrassing photo of me.” Luna said and Octavia came a bit closer to Luna. “I think you forgot I’m dating your cousin and your other cousin is one of my closest friends. I’m pretty sure I already saw a good picture of you in Lincoln’s gallery.” Octavia said and Luna just clenched her jaw. It was clear enough to Octavia that Luna had understood her. “About what photo are we talking here? I would want to see that.” Raven said with a smirk and Luna glared at her. “Love to see what?” Clarke asked from behind them and they were all startled by her sudden appearance. “A photo of Luna but it doesn’t matter. We need to eat and pack our stuff to go to Asia.” Octavia said while she clapped her hands to make the others move. “What do you mean ‘we’? Weren’t you going back to Los Angeles after Sydney?” Clarke asked confused and Octavia smiled wide at her. “Lincoln is on a flight to Asia at the moment. I will meet him there so we can spend our first vacation together.” Octavia said full excitement and Clarke hugged her best friend. “I’m happy to hear that.” Clarke said. “Yeah and I’ll be there for you too.” Octavia said more quiet now so the others wouldn’t hear and Clarke hugged her tighter now. 

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