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Clarke woke up earlier than Lexa and looked how the brunette peacefully slept beside her

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Clarke woke up earlier than Lexa and looked how the brunette peacefully slept beside her. Last night they went to bed after the movie and had talked until late hours while holding each other until. Clarke couldn’t remember who fell asleep first.  Lexa looked so peaceful while she was sleeping, lips slightly parted so she could breathe.This wasn’t their first time sharing a bed but it was the first time she could fully stare at this woman without taking any risk of being caught. She still didn’t fully realise that this was real and she was actually together with Lexa now. The thought of it brought a smile on her face. Clarke couldn’t contain herself as she was staring at the brunette and leaned in to place a kiss on Lexa’s forehead. She pulled back again to look if she woke Lexa up but there was no movement. Clarke kissed Lexa’s cheek now and saw that Lexa’s eyelids started to flutter. Clarke kissed Lexa fully on the lips now so the first things she would feel while waking up were her lips. She knew Lexa was awake when she felt the lips moving against hers and a hand on her neck to deepen the kiss. “This is probably the best morning ever.” Lexa said with sleepy voice and Clarke nodded before leaning in and kissing the brunette again. She couldn’t get enough of the soft lips. “Let’s eat something. My mom is probably awake already.” Clarke said and Lexa agreed. Clarke was right because Abby was already in the kitchen making breakfast. “Good morning ladies. Go sit down. Breakfast is going to be ready any minute.” Abby said and she pointed at the table where Kane had taken place already. “Mom, you didn’t have to do that. I can do that too.” Clarke said while she walked to the kitchen to look if she could help. “I wanted to do this. Now sit back and enjoy.” Abby demanded and Clarke listened. She gave Lexa a kiss on the cheek before sitting down around the table. They were discussing the movie of last night while eating breakfast until Lexa heard her phone buzzing. She took it while the rest kept on talking. 


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Lexa stared at her phone for a couple more questions, expecting Costia to reply on her last texts but she didn’t. Clarke had noticed Lexa wasn’t paying attention to the conversation anymore and she laid her hand on the brunette’s thigh to make her look at her. “Everything alright?” Clarke asked when Lexa’s eyes met hers. “Yeah everything fine.” Lexa said and she plastered a smile on her face while laying her phone away. She saw Clarke’s eyes not leaving hers and she knew she had to be more convincing or change the subject. She didn’t want to worry Clarke with this. “I’ve been thinking. We all could go for a walk in the forest today.” Lexa suggested and she forced her eyes to move from Clarke to Abby and Kane. “That’s a good idea! A double date!” Abby said with a smile and Clarke groaned. “Please mom don’t say that. It’s weird.” Clarke complained and everyone had to laugh. But Lexa’s plan had worked. 

They just got back from their walk, about to go inside when Clarke suddenly got called

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They just got back from their walk, about to go inside when Clarke suddenly got called. She was still laughing from the conversation as she picked up the phone and answered Octavia’s call. “What’s up O?” Clarke said happy because she was but it didn’t last long. Lexa saw how the smile fell of Clarke’s face and it replaced with something else. Fear? “What?” Clarke asked and her voice was little and it worried Lexa. “Raven got hit by a car. She’s in the hospital now getting surgery. It doesn’t look very well, Clarke.” Octavia repeated and Clarke wasn’t able to move anymore. Flashbacks of her dad’s accident came back. The moment Abby had told her her dad had died in a car accident. It was played as an image in front of her eyes and she had dropped her phone while being frozen. Lexa immediately ran towards Clarke when she saw tears escaping from Clarke’s eyes and she could hear Clarke hyperventilating. She kept on calling Clarke’s name while shaking her by her shoulders so the blonde would look up at her but she didn't. She couldn't. She was frozen to the ground. “Clarke look at me. Please.” Lexa begged and she was on the verge of crying herself while she saw Clarke like this. Clarke finally looked at Lexa and it triggered her to sob. “Raven got hit by a car.” Clarke sobbed and she forgot how to breathe. Lexa froze at the news for a second but it didn’t take long for her to pull Clarke against her body. “Shhhh breathe with me, Clarke.” Lexa said and she started to slowly breathe in and out. Clarke tried to breathe with Lexa while sobbing against her shoulder. Lexa petted her hair and after some minutes Clarke had calmed down. “I need to go to the hospital.” Clarke said and Lexa nodded. “I’ll drive you.” She said and they both got in the car.

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