Chapter 38: Lost and Found

Start from the beginning

"I don't feel that I have been properly dry for ages," he said, taking off his waistcoat and holding it near the flames.

"Agreed," she said smiling up at him. "Hopefully my feet won't be so cold tonight. Damp feet are the worst when sleeping outdoors. Where's Fili?"

"Talking to Mr. Thorin," said Bilbo, gesturing across the fire. She looked up in time to see Fili nod his head, his gaze locking with hers for a moment before saying something to Thorin and turning to come to them sit by her other side.

"You know if you have run out of food you could always ask for some of mine," he said eyeing the stick in her hands. "No need to eat your own socks." He grinned. Blowing a curly strand of hair from her face she reached over and thumped his shoulder.

"I'm not going to eat them," she said. "And even if I were so desperately hungry, I would be sure to eat yours first." Fili raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Well maybe not," she amended. "Who knows when you last changed them."

"Disgusting," groaned Bilbo, his round nose wrinkling in revulsion.

"Six days ago," volunteered Fili helpfully.

"Eww gross, nope my are definitely fresher." She pulled her socks from the fire and felt them; satisfied, she pulled them on her feet reveling in their warmth, her toes wiggling happily. "So what did Thorin want?"

"He wants us all to sleep closer to the fire until we leave Mirkwood."

"Makes sense," she said. "It makes it harder for a spider to drag one of us off during the night."

"Oh don't say such things," wailed Bilbo. "It's a horrible thought, and one I would just as soon not think about."

"How's Kili," she asked, sticking an experimental hand into one of her boots. She groaned internally when she saw the holes on the side were growing bigger. At least they were dry now.

"He's about the same," said Fili, his face twisted with worry. "He still won't really speak to me, it's worrying uncle even." Sara looked towards Kili after lacing up her boots. He was sitting with Balin and Thorin. She could stand it no longer. It had been almost five days and Kili had not so much as looked her way. She had to try and talk to him, after all it could hardly make his mood worse.

"I'm going to try talking to him," she said getting to her feet

"Are you sure?" asked Fili.

"Yes. I'm probably the reason he's this way."

"If you're certain," said Fili. "Want me to move your bed and pack while you do?"

"Yes, thank you. That would be nice." She squeezed his shoulder. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck," said Bilbo and Fili in unison.

Sara approached Kili and Balin, Thorin having moved off to talk to Nori when he saw her coming. That was fine, it would be easier to talk to Kili without him listening in and scowling. Kili sat cross-legged examining the bundle of arrows in his lap, some in a stack on the ground next to him. He did not look up as she came to crouch in front of him, although she was sure he knew she was there. She glanced at Balin who smiled gently and nodded towards Kili. She sucked in a breath preparing to speak, but now that she was here she was unsure what to say. She floundered for words but none were forthcoming. To her surprise Kili spoke first.

"What is it? What do you want Sara?"

"I just wanted to check on you," she began.

"I'm fine," he said, quickly setting an arrow to the side before picking up another. "Is that all you wanted?" He held the arrow aloft peering down the shaft before adjusting the tip slightly.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now