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A few days has passed since Nagisa had that consultation. Rio continued to push Karma towards the boy with the excuse of "gaining information". She let the situation known to Kayano who, in her surprise, was completely fine with it. In fact, she seemed to really support it and agreed to help!

So much for her crush... It seems there is a fujoshi hidden in even the least expected people. And not long after, Koro-sensei volunteered to help the two in their game of cupid.

And today, Karma was going to take Nagisa to the mall- with the persuasion of Rio and Koro-sensei of course. And right now, the redhead was in front of his friend's door.

He presses the doorbell and silently waits.

He hears Nagisa's voice, the anger lingering in the atmosphere. He starts doubting his decisions, thinking if this was a good idea.


The door opens and Nagisa steps out. Karma awkwardly says hi, not knowing what to do in such a situation. Nagisa greets him back and they both walk to the train station in silence.

The silence lingered for a while until Karma decided to speak against it.

"So... you wanna talk about it?"
He softly spoke, looking over at Nagisa who looked back at him. Their eyes lock and just as the first time, the redhead found his heart racing and his cheeks warming up.

'There it is again...'

He snaps himself out of his thoughts and just watched as Nagisa looked for the right words to explain his situation.

"My mom wouldn't allow me to go with you, she kept insisting you were a 'bad influence'"
The boy silently spoke and turned away, not wanting to look at his friend.

Silence engulfed the conversation once more.

"I guess first impressions do stick around. You still came though"
Karma shot him a gentle smile and patted the smaller boy's head.

He touches the part of his hair where he was patted and looked at the other with confusion.

A weird sensation came over Nagisa. His cheeks color a soft pink and he questioningly looks at Karma, the other not noticing.

'Must be one of his pranks'

The two stayed silent as they approached the train station.


They sit on a bench, waiting for the train to arrive.

"So what do you wanna do first when we get there?"
Karma asks, looking over at Nagisa.

"Well I mean it's almost noon... And if Im being completely honest, I haven't eaten lunch yet so I guess food"
He sheepishly replies, a bit embarrassed.

A small smile appears on Karma's face as the train starts to arrive.
"Let's go"

He stands up and offers Nagisa a hand. Nagisa slowly took his friend's hand, thinking it was some sort of scheme as they both board the train.

The train had little space to move in since it was still a working day for most people and the two just so happened to get stuck in rush hour. They both went to the exit opposite to the one they entered from since that was where they would be going down from on their station which, surprise surprise, is third to the last station. They were still fine after one or two stops, still being able to move a little, but on the third one was when things got REALLY cramped.

𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 | ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ x ɴᴀɢɪsᴀ |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant