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"Good Morning Koro-sensei!"

The class greeted their alien of a teacher, the knives and guns behind their backs or on their sides. They then all got ready to pick up their guns. After all, they still had to kill him despite their disputes between killing or saving.

They may have been able to lengthen their teacher's life by two more months with a solution Manami made but that was about it. Koro-sensei made an agreement with the Ministry of Defense that instead of obliterating Earth on March 20, he would do so on his new death day, May 20. And in respect of the class and his' weird relationship, Class E is determined to assassinate their teacher in the best way possible.

The class gets ready to fire their guns as Koro-sensei starts the roll call. The voices of the students, drowned out in the sound of the firing guns. This was their daily routine.


"Time for lunch everyone! Im going to Italy to try their tiramisu if you need me"
Koro-sensei prepared to fly out the window when a certain petite boy called out for him.

He seemed quite embarrassed to ask his question.

"En? What is it Nagisa?"
Koro-sensei looked back at him and asked. "Um..Is it ok if we can talk this lunch break? The others are gonna try to assassinate you later dismissal so I thought I'd ask you now. I-Its ok if you can't! It's not that important"

"Uwaa~ My student is asking me for advice... Im so proud~"
He exclaims, squealing a bit as small circles of blush appear on his circle face. "I guess I can postpone my trip for you" He says, trying to act all cool and nonchalant but ends up looking like a happy idiot.

"Then come with me, we'll talk in the teacher's lounge"
Koro-sensei points to the door as they walk to the lounge.

They both enter and Nagisa takes a seat opposite of his teacher's.
"Where are Bitch-sensei and Karasuma-sensei?" He asked, curious to know where the two went.

"Ah, Karasuma is outside doing something and Irina is pestering him. But enough about them, why did you want to talk Nagisa? You rarely consult me with things so Im quite curious why" The creature sensei replied with a cheeky grin, playful yet somewhat reassuring.

*Shy mode: ON*

And as if a switch was flipped, the calm and happy Nagisa became shy and flushed.

"W-Well.. um..Koro-sensei, do you remember the time Kayano-chan went all tentacles and attacked us? a-and I kissed her to keep her sanity?"
His voice trailed off by the end and Koro-sensei nodded in answer.

"Well after that incident I began thinking. I kissed her. But... It didn't really feel like anything. I thought I'd at least be quite flustered about it but that didn't seem to be the case for me"
He began fiddling around his hands in slight embarrassment. It seemed difficult for him to let his thoughts out.

"Hm... Have you assumed she wasn't your type?" He asked, watching the younger boy as he prepares to answer.

"Y-Yes... So I tried to see if I would have any interest in the girls in class considering they were all different in a way. It might have had an awfully obvious conclusion but it seemed reasonable at the time seeing as though the other boys find some of them attractive"

Koro-sensei thought about it for a bit. A memory of meeting Nagisa's mother then suddenly pops in his head.


"Why if only he had been born a girl I would've groomed him to be my ideal!"

"I was never allowed to grow my hair long and a girl only ever looks better with long silky locks"

"I got so mad when he started tying it back this school year but I let it slide since it was so beautiful..."

"Oh he's too young to understand what's at stake"

"And in any way as a parent it's my job to steer him clear of the mistakes I made when I was his age"



'Perhaps.. It really is due to his mother... The mere fact that she wants him to act like a girl, moreover be one explains a lot already'

"Nagisa...don't you think this maybe, just maybe, caused by your mother's actions towards you?" Koro-sensei said in a gentle and calming manner as not to trigger the boy.


Nagisa opens his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He blankly stared at the table, blinking a few times before realising he was already crying.

The calm and intuitive boy was finally crying.

Koro-sensei was slightly panicking inside as he handed him tissues. "Just let it out Nagisa... It's ok to cry every once in a while"

The blue haired boy continued crying, he starts to hiccup as he tries to catch his breath. "I-I just want t-to be treated li-like a normal boy...m-maybe this is why f-father left mom" His muffled voice was shaky, Koro-sensei was right beside him, consoling the boy.


A few minutes after Nagisa had calmed down from his mini breakdown, he asks.
"Why would this be caused by mother?"

He already knew the answer to that question. He just wanted to hear it from someone else. He wanted to hear the gentle, consoling voice of another for just once. He was tired of the static he hears from his abusive mother. He hated it. No, he despised it.

Koro-sensei thinks about how he would construct his explanation for a bit and speaks.

"You were raised in a conduct believing you need to act like a girl, be a girl. This made you more on the 'delicate boys' side. It's difficult for a boy with a scornful mother to like a girl to a certain level of romance"

Nagisa fell silent. A small smile appears on his face as he look at his teacher.

"Thank you Koro-sensei"
He stands up and bows to his teacher then walks towards the door.

"Nagisa, have you considered liking boys?" Koro-sensei asked just as Nagisa opened the door.

Was what came out of his mouth as his cheeks color of a pastel pink. He turned to look at Koro-sensei in confusion and slight embarrassment.

"N-No but-"
The boy cuts himself off and softly sighs. "I-I'll think about it I guess. Thank you again Koro-sensei" He laughs a bit and walks back to the classroom.


"His expression just now.... Is he really considering liking boys?..or maybe...he already likes one?"
A figure silently spoke, as it watched Nagisa go back to their classroom. The figure sighs and follows the petite boy back.

𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 | ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ x ɴᴀɢɪsᴀ |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant