Dinner With The Hallidays

Start from the beginning

"Hah, Juliet?"

"Fine, Daisy."

"I like Daisy more. Because I'm a self made rich man and you were totally hitting on me while you had a boyfriend." She rolled her eyes. "Now, what about the baby?"

"What about the baby?"

"Well, you're not showing but ... "

"If it comes up I'll just say we had a short-gun wedding." I swallowed hard. Lying to someone's face is hard for me to do. I was breaking out in a cold sweat lying about having a wife to Mr. Halliday. I should have put on like sweat repellent deodorant or something before we left. "Don't be nervous." My Daisy said. I turned and smiled at her.

"I'll try not to be."

I gave the keys to the valet once we showed up and met with Mr. and Mrs. Halliday.

I shook hands with him and his wife then gestured to Josie. "This is my wife, Josie."

"It's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Robinson." I had placed my hand on the small of her back and I felt her stiffen at the use of the new name for her. Part of me felt bad that I totally stole this girl from her family without their permission.

We sat down and I pulled out a chair for my wife. She sat down and thanked me. She leaned over once I was seated and whispered, "I've never had a guy pull out my chair or even open my car door,"

"You're kidding." She shook her head.


The food soon came as well as the question that Harry and I answered in the car. "So," Mrs. Halliday began, "how did the two of you meet?"

I reiterated everything I said in the car and Harry just nodded along.

"And how long have the two of you been married?" The older woman, who looked absolutely gorgeous in her old age, asked me. We were at a rectangular table and we sat in couples on either side of the table. Man sat across from man and woman across from woman.

"Five weeks."

"Two weeks." Harry and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and chuckled nervously.

"What we mean is," my husband began, "that we got married in a church five weeks ago but only got the marriage license two weeks ago." The older couple nodded.

"How long have you two been married?" I asked.

"Oh," Mrs. Halliday blushed. "My, What is it, honey?"

Mr. Halliday gave his wife a sweet smile and took her hand. He kissed it and my heart melted at old love. "It's been forty-two years since you made the mistake of marrying me." She giggled and he smiled.

"You can hardly call it a mistake. More like the best decision I ever made." They kissed and I caught Harry looking away and clearing his throat.

"Harry," Mrs. Halliday began, "how did you propose to Josie?" Harry took a large gulp of wine and I took a large gulp of my water.

"I said, 'Josie, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. What do you say? Marry me?' And we were out at dinner." I nodded with a red face. Harry didn't love me. I wonder if he ever will. Mrs. Halliday looked at our drinks and smiled.

"Josie, are you not feeling well? You are awfully puffy tonight."

"Honey," Mr. Halliday warned.

"No, no. It's just, Josie didn't ask for any wine. I was just wondering if she wasn't feeling very well. And you have turned red as a tomato, dear." Harry hiccuped and looked away blushing. "You as well, Mr. Robinson."

"I'm pregnant." I blurted.

"Oh I knew it! I knew it. This is the best wine I have ever had and I was wondering why you turned it down. How far along are you?"

"A little over six weeks."

"Aw. That explains having a wedding so suddenly at a church." Harry cleared his throat.

"Harry," Mr. Robinson began, "I'll be honest. I didn't think you were married. When you told me you were, I tried looking for a ring. But you had your hands in your pockets. So I asked to meet you and your wife. Just seeing her though wasn't proof enough. But knowing now that she's pregnant and seeing how comfortable you two are around each other, there is no denying you two were made for one another."

"Thank you, sir." Harry said.

"But I have one more test for you," Harry gave a fake laugh.

"I'm sure we'll pass it." He grabbed my hand on top of the table. Act like a couple. Act like a couple. I smiled and squeezed his hand in return, giving him a loving look.

"Kiss her." Harry went stiff and his smile suddenly became fake.

"Josie and I prefer not to give affection in public such as kissing one another."

"Oh come on, kiss her!" I looked at Harry who nervously turned towards me and gently smiled. He pecked my lips and I had to stop myself from laughing as he raised his chest up and down as if he just defused a bomb. Little did I know that that was his first kiss in his life.

"Give her a real kiss!" Mrs. Robinson cheered. Some of the other people trying to enjoy their dinner glanced over at us. I educate my husband with my mouth.

I cupped Harry's boney cheek and slammed my lips against his chapped ones. I had my eyes closed but something told me the millionaire's were wide open in shock. I shifted my lips when he kissed back. He placed one hand on my hand that was cupping his cheek and pushed into the kiss. Oh Ryan. I burst my eyes open and pulled away. Mr. and Mrs. Halliday clapped and a few others in the restaurant, making both Harry's and my faces as red as ketchup. We stay silent all the way home and didn't say a word until we got there.

"Thank you, for tonight." Harry said.

"No problem. Dinner was really good. I'm glad I got to eat it."

"Well, have a good sleep."

"You, too." Harry ran upstairs and shut his bedroom door. I turned off all the lights downstairs and walked to my own bedroom.

I laid in bed thinking about the kiss. Harry really got into it. But Ryan. Why did I have to think about my ex's lips at that moment!? I guess I haven't kissed a man since kissing Ryan. Oh Ryan, why am I still thinking of you? I'm fricken married for goodness sake! What am I doing!? I'm living with a man who is willing to care for me and my child and care for us. Anything a person could ask for. But I loved Ryan. And Harry and I don't love each other.

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