Dinner With The Hallidays

Start from the beginning

I walked into her bathroom, in which the door was wide open, and knocked on the doorframe.

"Hey, are you—" my eyes grew big as I found my wife in just a red braw and matching underwear. I whipped around and faced my back towards her.

Josie gasped and grabbed a towel.

"I'm so sorry, Josie! I—I didn't mean to walk in on you half dressed!"

I then heard laughing.

"It's okay, Harry. I've been naked in front of a man before." I scrunched up my nose at that thought. "And actually, what dress should I wear." I turned around and Josie had lost the towel. I turned my back on her in an instant once more. For a minute I waited. She then said my name and I turned around. She was wearing a beautiful white dress.

"That's lovely," I said with a bit of red tint to my cheeks.

"Wait. I have another. I bought these today. And if you don't like them, I'm taking them back. I nodded and turned back around, waiting for my name to be called again. Once it was, I turned to find Josie in a very sexy red dress.

"White one. Definitely the white one." I immediately responded.

"What? But I kind of like this one more."

"Josie, Mr. Halliday will cheat on his wife with you if he sees you in that dress." Josie threw her head back and laughed. I chuckled and she changed back into the white dress.

I waited for her to do a few more touch ups with her strawberry blond hair then guided her down the stairs.

"You made a lot of cookies."

"Yeah, I wanted to make some for a homeless shelter I passed by earlier this day."

"What did you not do today?"

"Solve world hunger." I shook my head. "Well, I got up, went to the grocery store, then I went and got lights for outside, a tree, and ornaments, then I saw the homeless shelter and went back to the store and bought a bunch of cooking supplies. I baked all afternoon and got help by the gardener with getting the lights up and the tree in the house."

"When do you plan on delivering the cookies?"

"Tomorrow morning." I just simply nodded and couldn't believe the kind of woman I'm married to. "Oh, and when you texted me that we had the dinner tonight, I went out and bought some dresses."

"Both dresses are very pretty."

"Thank you," I led her to the car then drove to the restaurant. 

"So, what's gonna be our story?" I asked, only five minutes from the place.

"Story? What story?"

"How did we meet? How long have we known each other?"

"Why are you asking me? You're the mastermind behind all this."

"You're a girl. Girls are better at this than guys. Especially a guy like me."

"I think we should just tell the truth. We met five years ago in London. I was there for a college trip and you were there 'cause you lived there. We hung out for a week until I had to leave back to the states. We lost contact with one another only to fatefully meet back up again in Seattle. I moved here from New York to try out something new and just so happened to be working for you. Then, our eyes met, and we were entranced with one another. And you couldn't wait any longer to be reunited with your Juliet."

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