"Please, Mike," I implore him, practically on my hands and knees begging the boy. He shifts uncomfortably and I know that I'm getting through to him. "I don't like lying to Cal, either. But it's not forever. Luke and I just want a chance to... work out what this is before anybody else finds out."

Michael tucks his lips between his teeth, glancing between us uneasily as he visibly turns over the ideas in his mind. After a painfully long moment, he finally sighs and nods. "Fine," he agrees, and I practically tackle him to the ground with my hug. "But I won't keep your secret forever!"

"Thank you!" I squeal, pressing a kiss to Michael's cheek. When I step away, he wipes the spot uncomfortably, nodding a 'you're welcome'.

"Thanks, man," Luke claps him on the shoulder.

"I'm serious," Michael reiterates, now giving us a very serious glare. "If Calum figures anything out, I won't lie to his face."

"He won't figure it out," I promise him, extremely confident about the matter.

"Yeah, have you met the kid?" Luke scoffs, shaking his head at the idea. "We could fuck in front of him and he still wouldn't realise."

"Luke," I cast him a disapproving glare, to which he simply shrugs.

Michael appears increasingly uncomfortable with the conversation, now wringing his hands together. "Anyway, I'd better head," he informs us. "I'll see you guys at school."

"Thanks, Michael," I tell him one last time, offering the most sincere smile I can muster.

Michael returns the gesture promptly, nodding.


Luke and I return home later that night, the hour-long drive seeing us arrive past nine-pm.

"This was nice," I tell Luke once he pulls into the driveway and shuts the car engine off.

"It was," he confirms with a slow nod, smiling across at me.

Without a word, his hand reaches across the console and comes to brush a few strands of hair behind my ear. Panicked, I glance up at my house, praying that Calum isn't watching from the window for some reason. "Relax," Luke ushers me with a soft laugh. "He's playing video games." When I cast him a confused look, he chuckles again. "He's been texting me all night."

"Anyone would think he's the one you're interested in," I retort with a low laugh. I had speculated for quite a few years that this might've been the case.

"Yeah, this is all a ploy to make your brother jealous," Luke plays along with the idea, though his humorous eyes reveal his sarcasm.

I let out a false sigh of happiness, batting my eyelids at him. "Wow, you really know how to make a girl blush," I joke, leaning into his hand for effect, but also because it feels so warm and nice.

Luke shrugs, smirking. "I have a way with the ladies," he admits jokingly, though there is a hint of truth to his statement. I had never been blind to Luke's appearance, and though I had always been deterred by his behaviour, other girls certainly had not.

Luke leans forward, gently pulling my face toward his at the same time, and presses a soft kiss to my lips. They mould together for a moment, feeling as though they are two puzzle pieces that were made to fit together perfectly. The moment is fleeting, however, because he pulls away just as I begin to savour the moment, leaving me out in the open, leaning forward, ready for more — begging for it, even.

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