Is anything really possible? Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

"No, anything is fine."  Bette said without looking up.

Tina watched for a few more minutes fighting herself to say more, her rational side winning the battle to keep her thoughts to herself.  Tina watched as Dani touched Bette's hand and shoulder ever so slightly. She had committed herself to rebuilding her relationship with Bette, what that meant she wasn't sure. Dani was definitely stirring Tina up and it wasn't in a positive way. Tina left thinking if she stayed any longer, she would say something she would regret.

"The furniture that we ordered has already been delivered.  The Los Angeles Gallery has already called and asked when you wanted the Holloman piece delivered.  I did some inquires about venues for the Foundation's fundraising Gala.  I think we're going to start a bidding war.  It's a big event and now that it will be in Los Angeles, all the big venues are fighting for it," Dani said confidently.

"Good, I want the Foundation to make a foothold in Los Angeles, much like it had in New York."  Bette smiled at Dani.  "You're doing a good job for someone who has never been an assistant."

"I want to thank you again for this opportunity.  I'm looking forward to learning a lot from you."  Dani smiled back.  "There have been lots of messages and request for appointments, but I have pretty much blocked everyone until you are ready to step in full time," Dani paused, "Helena's assistant called regarding Forbes Magazine." 

"Thanks, I'm not quite ready to jump in yet.  I still get tired and I'm still sore.  I'm gonna give it a couple more weeks and then I'll be in all the way." 

"Umm, so, this Holloman piece.  What do you want me to do about it?"  Bette smiled, she loved working with upcoming artist and this striking red head had serious talent.  She had already had showings in Argentina, Paris, London, New York and soon in Los Angeles.  Acquiring this piece was by chance and at a steal of 30k given what Bette believed it will be worth in a few years.  "Tell James, to keep it in storage.  I have not decided exactly where I want it in the office, but it is a large canvas and will be a show piece.  I plan to acquire other up and coming artists' pieces and have them displayed all over the office.  We are in the business of supporting new talent and I want it visually represented."

"Ok, well, I don't have anything else.  The office should be fully functional by the time you are ready to use it.  I guess all we need now is the staff.  What do you want to do about that?"  Dani inquired.

"I'll call Helena and I will also talk to her about Forbes.  I need to discuss dates for the Gala anyways.  Oh, and have James put me on his calendar.  I have an idea for a charity event that would be a great introduction to the Foundation being on the west coast. 

"Ok," Dani said writing in her notebook. "Call me if you need anything else," Dani said as she stood.  Dani quietly starred at Bette for a few minutes.  She then turned and headed out just as Bette rose her head to look at her.   


Tina had been home for about an hour when Shane and Alice arrived. All three stood at the window watching Bette finish up her Yoga routine.

"How is she doing?" Alice inquired.

"I'm not really sure. She is locked up pretty tight again." Tina said sadly. "I thought after New York that we were moving in the right direction for resolving a few things." Tina paused, "If it gets emotional, she shuts down so quickly that I can see the shutters close out the light in her eyes. It's funny, Peggy spoke pretty frankly to me about Bette. I have never known her to get involved in our spats, although this of course is more than a spat.  She said Bette would come around and that she couldn't help herself when it came to me. I am not so sure of that right now." Tina sighed, "I'm just not sure about anything, so how can I expect it to be different for Bette. We're gonna need to talk about it at some point, but she isn't ready yet. I barely think I am capable of really discussing my real feelings and worries when it comes to us."

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