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Ponyboy and Johnny have been going strong for just over ten years now, the boys aged 24 and 26. Both of them were very much happy together. Their lives only seemed to get much better the older they had gotten.

Johnny had managed to push himself into gaining more weight and now was comfortably in the normal weight range. Ponyboy and Johnny had managed to finish high school, Ponyboy being right under Valedictorian. The gang was proud of them for coming so far.

Ponyboy enrolled in a local community college and Johnny had actually gone to culinary school, mending his relationship with food and cooking. It was much better than what it used to be. It made them both happy to be making so much progress with their lives.

The gang had made a lot of progress too over the years. All ranging from small victories to large steps in their lives. It all meant a lot to everyone that progress could be made.

Dallas and Soda were happily engaged. It was a surprise when they found out but with Dallas being so hesitant to show his feelings, to begin with, they knew it was going to work out perfectly. They even bought a small house a few blocks from the old Curtis house.

Darry and Paul now lived in the Curtis house, both still happy together. They both worked much better jobs and Darry even got the chance to go back to college. Which of course, he took the opportunity.

Two-Bit and Adam were awfully happy. They found a cozy apartment more near the rich part of town but found a way to make it work. The older of the two even dropped drinking and got a job so that in itself was such a huge win for the couple and the gang.

Steve and Elijah were still together. They had been working awfully hard and managed to rent out an apartment near where Two-Bit and Adam were staying. They had been saving so much money and even managed to get Elijah on testosterone which made him elated, obviously. Soon enough, they would get the surgeries.


Johnny takes a deep breath, shifting a little on his feet as he watched Ponyboy wash dishes in their kitchen. They owned a small house near where their colleges and classes were so it was easy to get to. The male was awfully nervous.

He fidgets with the box in his pocket, squeezing it every once in a while to ensure that it was still there. The 26-year-old had been waiting so long for this moment. He wanted it to be perfect and he knew that ever since they were kids, this was going to happen.

Now it was all just the matter if Ponyboy was ready to be with him for the rest of their lives. It was a really big commitment and with schooling and college, he wasn't sure if Ponyboy would be willing to be engaged. The thought made him so nervous.

Ponyboy turns to his boyfriend after drying his hands and turning off the faucet. He smiles sheepishly before frowning at his obviously nervous expression. He hadn't seen his lover like that in such a long time.

"Johnny, babe, what's the matter?" He murmurs softly, taking a few steps closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You seem awfully stuck on something. Are you okay?"

Johnny snaps out of his thoughts to look at his lover. He was taller than him still, but now it was much more noticeable. The male gives his boyfriend a sheepish smile, taking a deep breath.

"I guess I've just got something on my mind lately," he says, his mind trailing off to the ring he had bought nearly half a year ago. He's just been waiting for the right time. "I didn't think I would have my head so wrapped around it though."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ponyboy questions, shifting a little on his feet to press a small kiss to his lover's temple. "Im always here to talk to when you need me."

"I guess it's the right time to talk to you," Johnny murmurs softly, pulling his hands away from his pockets to look up at his lover. This was is. Their moment. "Just... Please don't freak out."

"Why would I freak out?" Ponyboy questions.

Johnny didn't answer, simply moving slowly to drop on one knee. He pulls the ring box out of his pocket and opens it. The male's heart was racing as he watched his boyfriend's eyes widen. The ring in the box was a braided gold band with a medium-sized diamond heart in the middle of it. It was simple and he knew that it was the one.

"Ponyboy, I knew that when we first got together, that I wanted to marry you, " Johnny starts gently. "You wanted to help me so much and you have, even if you didn't know it. With my eating disorder and getting back into school, you were there for me. You always made sure that I was happy and taken care of. Now it's my time to do all of that for you. It's your turn to feel taken care of. To be just as happy as I was. And I know that with college and my schooling, it might be hard. But I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. It's almost like you were made for me. And Im very confident with that statement. I just want to have you as my husband someday. I just want to be with you. So, Ponyboy Curtis... Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

Ponyboy's eyes were filled with tears at this point, his face bright red. His dominant hand was covering his lips while his free hand was grasped by Johnny's. He takes a deep breath, his other hand slowly dropping to reveal the biggest grin that he's ever managed in a while.

"Of course I'll marry you!"

And with that, Johnny stands up on his feet and slides the ring on Ponyboy's finger, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss.

This was all they needed. Each other.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Word Count; 1,048

How was this?


This story has taken me two, almost three whole year's to write. And this is by far my proudest work. I've poured my heart into this story and I knew that it was going to work out.

I wanted to thank you guys for sticking around and reading and voting and commenting. It means so much to me for you guys to be supporting my work. I never thought that I would ever gain the following that I have or have the friends that I do.

This story was really the awakening of my current writing style. And that's fantastic because I love my writing style compared to what it used to be when I joined this app when I was 12. I'm going to be 17 soon. And that's mind blowing.

Thank you guys so very much for this. And I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter. I hope that you've enjoyed this entire story 💕

Total Word Count; 36,862 ✨

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