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Johnny slowly cracks his eyes open, a small whimper of pain and discomfort leaving his lips. The tan teen looks around the room with slightly blurry vision before realizing where he was. He was in a hospital room. A really cold and bland hospital room.

His eyes travel around the hospital room a little more before they land on Ponyboy who was sleeping peacefully in the chair next to the bed. The 16-year-old slowly sits up and winces softly, biting his bottom lip gently. His ribs were hurting him.

'How long have I been in here?' Johnny thinks to himself. 'What happened to me? Is Ponyboy okay? Did he get hurt at all?'

Just then, Ponyboy stirs in his chair and sits up, his eyes opening slowly. He looks around before his eyes settle on the now awake Johnny sitting in the hospital bed. The blonde teen perks up and stands, carefully bringing Johnny into a hug.

"Oh my gosh, Johnnycake," Ponyboy says softly, his voice filled with a bit of relief as well and a bit of worry. "You've been out for there days. I thought that you weren't going to wake up. I'm so glad that you're okay. I'm so so very glad that you're okay."

Johnny was taken aback a little bit by the gentle hug and all of the talking. He carefully wraps his arms back around the younger male, holding him close. The older teen was alarmed by how long he was out.

Three days?

He was out for three days?

Was he really hurt that bad?

Ponyboy slowly pulls away from his boyfriend and gives Johnny a wide grin. He was relieved to have him wake up but he was still worried for all of the damage that might have been taken to his body. The doctor mentioned a few things but he said that it would be discussed more when Johnny awoke.

The 14-year-old reached back behind Johnny, pressing the nurse's aid button. He grabs the tan teen's hand and lightly pecks him on the lips. Ponyboy missed seeing Johnny's big brown eyes. They were still so lively looking, even after everything.

"I love you," Ponyboy murmurs softly. "So very much."

"I love you too," Johnny responds softly, pressing their foreheads together. "I love you too, so very much, Ponyboy."

After a few minutes, the doctor walks into the room with a clipboard. He gives the young couple a small smile, nodding his head their way. Ponyboy pulls away from his boyfriend and just holds his hand carefully.

"Okay, so there are a few things that we need to talk over," the doctor says, lightly dragging his finger across his clipboard. "They are all about your physical injuries due to whatever happened. Well, one might not be due to the same issue."

Johnny tenses up a little bit but nods his head, squeezing Ponyboy's hand as the doctor flips through a few papers that were attached to his clipboard he was awfully nervous but he would try not to let anyone on to the situation.

"Okay, so due to whatever happened to, you have taken quite a bit of damage," the doctor says. "Two fractured ribs, a very slight concussion, and a bruised abdomen muscle. All of this can be healed with time though. For your ribs, just wrap them up carefully to keep them in a healing position. Since it's not bad, it shouldn't be too long for them to heal. Maybe a week or two. For your concussion, even though it's small, the rules still apply. No television, phones, books. Just relaxation and sleep. Lastly, the bruise on your abdomen will go away through time. There's also a lot of scars and wounds... That seems odd and I don't know what to do about."

Johnny takes a small breath and nods his head, continuing to look at the doctor. The doctor glances at the two teens before his eyes wander back to the clipboard. There was one last topic.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑. ( 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺 )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora