I'll Make a Man out of You

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reade

Warning: Swearing

Word Count: 2,407

Summary: The readers brother gets a letter from SHIELD letting him know due to his abilities he will be required to fight along side the Avengers in the next big battle.

*Based off of Mulan and the song 'I'll Make a Man out of You.'

Opening the door to your apartment, you saw your brother sitting on the couch with a letter in hand

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Opening the door to your apartment, you saw your brother sitting on the couch with a letter in hand. Glancing down at the envelope as you sat beside him, it was from S.H.I.E.L.D.


"Y/N, according to shield I am needed to fight along side the Avengers." His voice sounded worried, while he tried to give off the emotion of happiness. "Come on kid, I'm taking you out to dinner to ."

Standing up from the couch, he headed towards his room. Once he was out of the room, you grabbed his letter looking it over.

Dear Theodore Y/L/N,

We are pleased to inform you of your selection in joining the Avengers into their next battle. We will need you to immediately arrive at the Avengers tower upon receiving this letter. Please keep this letter to obtain access into the tower. Over the next month you will train side by side with some of the best agents from across the country. It is truly an honor to be able to fight along the Avengers, see you soon!

Nick Furry.

"Ready?" Theo asked.

You hummed in response.

"What do you feel like?" He questioned.

"It's up to you."

"Okay! Your car or mine?"

You hesitated, "Would...Would you mind if we walked?"

"We can do that...Dweeb."

Theo spent the walk to the restaurant talking about a girl he had met and how he thought this time she might actually be the one. You hadn't paid much attention to much of the conversation. During the walk, you could only think about how you couldn't let Theo go. He had gotten severely hurt during the last battle he was in. The doctors had told you that if he were to ever fight in another battle that it would be his last since he wouldn't make it out alive. They never told you exactly what was wrong with him.

Theo was a very special hero in your eyes. He always give his all into defending however he was defending, he got along well along the men he fought against. He had some extraordinary powers, however since that last battle, he was always worrying about being consumed by them and becoming evil.

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