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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,000

Warning: None.

Summary: The reader loses her sibling in Ikea.

Lost sibling in Ikea AU

"Why are we going here?" Jen asked from the passenger seat

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"Why are we going here?" Jen asked from the passenger seat. A hint of attitude sounded in her voice.

Rolling your eyes, you huffed. "Because we need a new couch."

"We already have a couch."

"I'm not having this argument with you."

Letting out a huff, she mumbled under her breath. "You never do."

Heat began coursing through your veins, rising in your cheeks. Letting out a defeated sigh, you let it slide. Jen had been acting out since moving in with you. Even though she was ten, she had the attitude of someone that was sixteen. Neither one of you were ready for the big change. Your parents had basically dropped her off at your apartment saying that they were going on vacation, letting you know that they wouldn't be coming back.

Since then, it had been rough for both of you to adjust to the new normal. You weren't used to having to care for someone and Jen wasn't used to someone caring about her.

Pulling into a parking spot, you grinned. "If you're good, I'll buy you something."

"No thanks." She spat rolling her eyes, slamming your door.

"Hey!" You yelled. "Don't slam my door."

"You're not my mom!" She yelled back.

As you both walked into Ikea, neither one of you wanting to be first to break the silence. Making your way towards the couch section, you were so immersed you hadn't noticed Jen wander off.

"Hey, what do you think about this one?" You asked not noticing the person next to you wasn't Jen.

"Uh, it's nice?" The strangers' deep voice questioned in confusion.

Whipping your head toward the stranger, your eyes widened.

"Oh." You barely squeaked out. "S-Sorry. I thought you were my sister."

Walking out of the aisle, you went to the main aisle, searching for Jen.

Retreating back to your original place, fear began to wash over you.

"Did you find who you were looking for?" Bucky questioned tilting his head slightly.

"Uh, no." You muttered, pulling out your phone attempting to call her.

Straight to voicemail.

Letting out a frustrated sigh you rubbed your hands along the side of your face.

"No luck?" He asked standing beside you.

Shaking your head, you frowned.

"I-I can help you?" He offered, coming off more like a question.

"I can't ask you to do that, Bucky." You caught him off guard, he hadn't expected you to know who he was.

You could feel the heat rise in your cheeks as you began to feel embarrassed. Your palms began sweating. Fidgeting with your purse, you gazed anywhere but in front of you.

"I-I figured you have important Avenger things to do." You muttered.

He chuckled in response. "This is an important Avenger thing." He grinned.

Snapping your head towards him, relief replaced your embarrassment. "Thank you."

As you both began walking around attempting to search for your sister, he was silent.

"I'm Y/N, by the way." You smiled.

He sent you a warm smile. Walking side by side, your hands brushed along each other occasionally.

"Are we looking for a boyfriend or significant other of some sorts?" He attempted to question awkwardly.

You giggled. "No, nothing like that." You sighed. "My sister would have a fit."


"Well, she's in that stage where she doesn't like anyone especially me." You mumbled. "There's no way she would like anyone I dated."

He nodded in understanding.

Walking down one of the aisles, you had to squeeze past other customers. His hands quickly found your waist, guiding you. Heat rose in your cheeks again.

"Uh sorry." He mumbled quickly removing his hands once he realized his actions.

"It's alright." You beamed at him, gazing into his blue eyes.

Making your way to the cafeteria, you saw Jen sitting with Steve Rogers.

"Steve?" Bucky questioned in confusion.

Turning toward the both of you, he smiled. "Oh hey, guys!" He waved. "I hope you don't mind. Me and my new friend Jen here." He motioned to your sister. "Have just been hanging out."

"Jen!" You exclaimed. Bolting toward the table, you hugged your sister. "Don't do that again."

She giggled nodding her head.

Bucky frowned, his actions turned to be standoffish.

"Hey, Buck." Steve greeted. "She wasn't far from where you guys were."

"Why didn't you just come back and let us know?" Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"It was Jen's idea actually." Steve shrugged.

Before Bucky could question Steve further, Jen was dragging her sister and both men back to the couch area.

Picking out a couch, both men helped you bring it to your car.

Steve stood by the passenger side of the car, saying goodbye to Jen.

"So." You mumbled, swaying on your feet slightly.

"So." Bucky mumbled, a pink color dancing along his cheeks. "Do you want Steve's number? I can give it to you. Jen seems to like him a lot."

Smiling your gaze fell to the ground before you. Biting your lip, you felt a surge of confidence. "Uh no, I don't want Steve's number." You smirked. "I-I'd rather have yours."

Exchanging numbers, you hugged him feeling him tense underneath you. He quickly hugged you back. Placing a soft kiss on his cheek, you got in your car and drove home.

The rest of the evening went by uncharacteristically nice. Jen attempted to help you with putting the couch together. The apartment was filled with laughter and happiness.

When your phone rang, Jen handed it to you but not without teasing you about who was calling.

"Hello?" You chuckled at what Jen had said.

"H-Hi. It's Bucky."

You giggled. "I know...I have caller ID."

"Right." He mumbled. "I was wondering if you and Jen were busy tomorrow?"

"No, not that I know of."

"Steve and I were thinking about going to the fair tomorrow..." He trailed off. "Do you and Jen want to come?"

"We'd love to." You grinned, hearing Jen squeal as you had his call on speaker. "It's a date."

"It's a date." He replied. "Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Buck."

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