Red Sparrow

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Written: Not sure when I started, found this in my drafts.

Posted: June 3rd, 2021

Word Count: 1,064

Warning: Swearing, Mention of previous torture ect.

Summary: The reader tries to get down to the reason why Bucky doesn't like her.

Summary: The reader tries to get down to the reason why Bucky doesn't like her

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Rolling your eyes, you scoffed while crossing your arms along your chest.

"Why don't you just-"

"No." You spat, cutting Wanda off from her attempt to get you and Bucky together. "He hates me."


"No, it's true." You sighed, dropping your defensive demeanor. "He treats you and Wanda completely different." You shrugged your shoulders.

Natasha and Wanda shared a knowing look. Their expressions quickly turning into sorrow.

"It's fine." You spoke frowning as you felt tears begin to well up in your eyes. "I'm...I'm gonna go."

Ignoring both Wanda and Natasha's pleas for you to stay, you shrugged on your leather jacket before downing the rest of your drink.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Leaving the bar, you couldn't stop the ping of jealousy you felt. Bucky had been rude to you since you could remember. He didn't seem to have problems with anyone but you.

Before you knew it, you were back at the compound. Sighing, you made your way to your room just as tears began to cascade down the valley of your cheeks.

Curling up in a ball, you had let the tears fall until you fell asleep.

The next morning, you were one of the first ones up. Making your way to the combat room, you wanted to shred off the lingering anger and sorrow that still clung to you.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Bucky had already begun patronizing you.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to be here." You shrugged. "Your date didn't last that long then, huh?" You spat, moving to place your headphones in as you began your treadmill workout. Your motions caused you to miss the frown that danced along Bucky's lips.

Exiting the bathroom, you had taken a post-workout cool-down shower. Taking the dripping ends of your hair, you placed them in between your toweled hands before rubbing them furiously together.

The sound of someone knocking on your door, interrupting your thoughts.

"It's open!" You called, gazing towards the door.

Bucky had stepped through the threshold into your room, only to freeze in place. His eyes widened in shock, as he gazed at you from head to toe. Standing before him, you were wearing a pair of compression shorts and a sports bra.

Your jaw fell slightly, as you didn't think Bucky would be the one on the other side of the door.

Removing your hair from the towel, you cleared your throat. "What...Was there...Uh..."

Shaking himself from his daze-like state, he quickly retreated out of your room without another word.

Rolling your eyes, you shrugged to yourself.

Tossing and turning, you let out a groan. It was another night sleep had avoided you.

Getting up from your bed, you changed into workout clothes, before making your way to the gym. With your headphones in you hadn't heard the sounds of Bucky grunting.

Wrapping your hands, you placed them in boxing gloves before you started punching the bag. Becoming completely engrossed in your workout, you missed Bucky attempting to conversate with you.

Placing a firm hand on your shoulder, you shrieked before sending a firm punch to his jaw. With widened eyes, you gasped quickly taking your headphones out while trying to undo the gloves.

"Bucky!" You shrieked. "I'm so sorry! I...I thought I was the only one in here." You rambled.

He chuckled before groaning at the pain in his jaw. "Couldn't sleep either I take it?"

Not trusting your words, you nodded dropping your eyes down to your shoes. Shaking your head, you inhaled deeply. "Come on, lets get get you some ice."

Standing on the opposite side of the breakfast island, Bucky gazed at you quietly. Neither one of you dared speaking since the gym.

Clearing his throat, Bucky decided to make the first move.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Scoffing you rolled your eyes. "Believe it or not, I'm actually a nice person." You grinned. "Besides, it's the least I could do since I punched you in the face."

Nodding his head he hummed contently at your response.

"Why do you hate me?" You questioned in a meek and meager voice.

Furrowing his eyebrows together in confusion, he gaped at you. "I...I don't hate you."

"Then what?" You challenged. "You get along with everyone else on the team...except for me."

As much as you tried to not let it get to you, the feeling of him hating you still bothered you.

Letting out a sigh, he squeezed his eyes shut.

"I..." His voice trailed off as he wracked his brain for an excuse.

"You know..." Your voice trailed off. "Hydra and the Black Widow program weren't the only experimental assassin programs in the world." You sighed. Glancing up at Bucky, he gave you an odd look.

"I'm sure there's hundreds if not thousands-"

Letting out a huff, Bucky let out a humorless chuckle. "Here I thought-"

"I was apart of the Red Sparrow." You whispered. Maneuvering yourself, you leaned against the counters opposite of where you last stood, crossing your arms along your chest.

Snapping his jaw shut, he gave you his full attention. Without a word he silently begged you to continue your story.

Clearing your throat, you pinched the bridge of your nose. "The Sparrow program is was one of the most brutal...We specialized in Sexpionage."

"The country I once worked for was beyond ruthless." You shuttered at the memory. "Killing their own agents, torturing them, any horrible thing you can think of...They did."

"I was lucky enough to escape with one of the CIA agents that was trying to get information from one of ours. I had a friend that wasn't so lucky." You frowned furrowing your eyebrows together as you attempted to keep the tears at bay.

Clearing your throat, you shook your head. Darting out of the room, you collapsed on your bed. Sobs erupted escaped your lips before you could muffle them with your hand.

The feeling of metal upon your back alerted you of Bucky's presence. Without saying a word, he crawled onto your bed next to you, gently tugging you as close as possible to him.

Nuzzling into his neck, you threw a leg of his. While you wrapped an arm along his waist. One of his hands wound itself into your hair while the other rubbed along your spine. Slumber overtaking you both.

Bucky Barnes ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora